

On the 26-27th of April 2018 in Almaty Technological University was held the republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists “SCIENCE. EDUCATION. THE YOUTH”.

Within the framework of the conference were stated 223 reports, of which 195 were published.

At the plenary session of the conference were made presentations by:

Tulatbaeva Tamara Chumanovna – doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory “Technology of processing and storage of livestock products” KazNII PPP on the topic: “Prospects for the development of innovative technologies for the processing of camel milk”

Amutova Farida – scientific employee of the laboratory of chemical methods of research LLP “Antigen” on the topic: “Quality and biosafety of beekeeping products on the basis of international standards”

Zhakupbekova Arai – scientific employee of the laboratory of chemical methods of research LLP “Antigen” on the topic: “Comprehensive analysis of the falsification of milk and dairy products”.

The work of the conference was divided into 6 sections:

Section 1 – Technology of food and processing industries.
Section 2 – Light and Textile Industry;
Section 3 – Mechanization, automation and informatization of technological processes;
Section 4 – General economic problems, tourism and hospitality industry;
Section 5 – Natural Sciences;
Section 6 – Social and Human Sciences.

The conference discussed topical issues: modern technologies of food and light industry; chemical, biological and biotechnological aspects in ensuring food safety, modern methods of control; information and technical support of food production; educational innovations in the training of personnel for the food and light industries; improvement of management methods by enterprises of food, light industry, hospitality industry, tourism.

The most topical scientific works of young scientists were awarded with diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees. For each section 1 diploma – І-th degree, 2 diplomas of the 2-nd degree and 3 diplomas of the third degree (the total number of diplomas is 36).

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