
Recently, much attention has been paid to non-waste food production technologies. In the processing of sugar beets, raw materials are used only by 15-30%, the rest remains in the waste. A certain part of these wastes is used as secondary raw materials for animal feed production. But at the same time, they are unstable during storage, quickly acidify, ferment, losing valuable components and polluting the environment.


In this regard, the use of dry powders of sugar beets is relevant. Also, the assortment of bakery and flour-confectionery products will be enriched with composite flour from leguminous crops, such as chickpeas, beans and others with useful, vitamin properties.


Development of innovative highly effective technology for bakery and flour-confectionery products using flour of composite mixtures of leguminous crops and dried sugar beets in order to improve the quality, useful properties, reduce the production process, increase labor productivity and increase the socio-economic indicators of bakery and flour-confectionery enterprises

Expected and achieved results in English

A technology was developed for obtaining assortments of bakery and flour-confectionery products from composite flour of leguminous crops, which makes it possible to exclude sugar from the recipe, reduce the duration of the production process, improve the quality of finished products, increase labor productivity and increase the socio-economic indicators of bakery and confectionery enterprises. As a result of the project, the following were prepared and published: - at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in 1 (first), 2 (second) or 3 (third) quartiles in the Web of Science database and (or) having the CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database is not less than 50 (fifty), or in print in the indicated editions; - at least 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publication with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science). All scheduled tasks completed


Data of performers:


1Scientific supervisor Muldabekova Bayan (bayan_10.04@mail.ru)

Author ID в Scopus 56031648500

ORCID ID 0000-0003-1848-4288

2Responsible executorYakiyaeva Madina yamadina88@mail.ru

Author ID в Scopus 57191979219

Researcher ID Web of Science AAL-7432-2020

ORCID ID 0000-0002-8564-2912

Researcher ID in Publons AAL-7432-2020

3Executor Ulbala Tungyshbayeva
4ExecutorSuymbaeva Saltanat
5Executor Abdibek Alina


List of publications:


Muldabekova Bayan

  • Искакова Г.К., Мулдабекова Б.Ж., Умирзакова Г.А. Полидисперсті сұлы ұнын қолданып макарон өнімдерін өндіру. ҚазҰТУ ХАБАРШЫСЫ, Аграрлық ғылымдар сериясы, №5, 2016 ж., б.83-88
  • Искакова Г.К., Мулдабекова Б.Ж., Умирзакова Г.А. Макарон өнімдерінің сапасына наноқұрылымды ноқат ұнының әсері. «АТУ Хабаршысы», №3 (112), 2016 ж., б.40-45.
  • Өтегенова А.Б., Мулдабекова Б.Ж., Атыханова М. Ұнды кондитер өндірісінде қонақ жүгері ұнын қолданудың келешегі. Ж. "Известия Национальной академии наук РК".-2015.-№3. - С.52-56
  • Искакова Г.К., Мулдабекова Б.Ж., Жилкайдаров А. Исследование качества новых сортов мягкой и твердой пшеницы Казахстана урожая 2014 года. Ж. «Вестник КазНТУ». - 2015. - №3. - С. 230-233.
  • Искакова Г.К., Умирзакова Г.А., Мулдабекова Б.Ж. INFLUENCE OF THE NANOSTRUCTURED CHICKPEA FLOUR ON QUALITY OF PASTAS. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. 2016. № 3. С. 40-45.
  • Бек Р.Б., Мулдабекова Б.Ж. ҰНДЫ КОНДИТЕР ӨНІМДЕРІН МИНЕРАЛДЫҚ ЗАТТАРМЕН БАЙЫТУ. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. 2017. № 2. С. 26-30.
  • Рахымбаева М., Усембаева Ж.К., Искакова Г.К., Кизатова М.Ж., Мулдабекова Б.Ж. АСБҰРШАҚ ҰНЫМЕН ИОНДАЛҒАН СУДЫ ҚОЛДАНЫП НАННЫҢ ТҮРЛЕРІН КЕҢЕЙТУ. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. 2018. № 2. С. 58-64.
  • Tursunbayeva Sholpan A., Iztayev Аuyelbek, Magomedov Magomed, Yakiyayeva Маdina A., Muldabekova Bayаn Zh. Study of the quality of low-classes wheat and bread obtained by the accelerated test method // Periódico Tchê Química. - ISSN 2179-0302. (2019); vol.16 (Number 33). Р. 809-823. Процентиль по базе Скопус - 70. http://deboni.he.com.br/Periodico33.pdf
  • Zhakatayeva Altynay, Iztayev Аuyelbek, Мuldabekova Bayan, Yakiyayeva Маdina, Hrivna Ludek. Scientific security assessment of safety risk of raw sugar products// Periódico Tchê Química. – ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (Number 34). Р. 352-368. Процентиль по базе Скопус - 70. http://www.deboni.he.com.br/Periodico34.pdf
  • IMPROVEMENT OF MACARONI PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY ON THE BASIS OF FLOUR FROM PLANT RAW MATERIALS. Umirzakova G.A., Iskakova G.K., Muldabekova B.Z., Bayisbayeva M.P., Chernykh V.Y. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2017. Т. 12. № 5. С. 1120-1125.
  • RESEARCHING OF PASTA QUALITY WITH THE USAGE OF LEGUMES FLOUR AND OZONATED WATER. Iskakova G.K., Kulazhanov T.K., Iztaev B.A., Muldabekova B.Zh., Zhilkhaidarov A. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. 2015. Т. 12. № 3. С. 2095-2102.
  • NON-TRADITIONAL RAW MATERIALS IN PRODUCTION OF SUGAR COOKIES. Izembayeva A.K., Bayisbayeva M.P., Muldabekova B.Z.H., Iztayev A.I., Dautkanova D.R. Advances in Environmental Biology. 2014. Т. 8. № 16. С. 258-262.
  • RATIONAL USE OF WASTES FROM PLANT PRODUCTS PROCESSING. Alimkulov Z., Zhiyenbayeva S., Muldabekova B., Batyrbayeva N. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2014. Т. 20. № 3. С. 532-535.
  • THE USE OF COMPOSITE MIXTURES IN THE PRODUCTION OF BISCUITS. Izembaeva A.K., Muldabekova B.Z., Iztaev A.I., Zhienbaeva S.T. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. Т. 19. № 1. С. 28-31.
  • Инновационный патент РК № 26837; заявка №2012/0154.1. заявл. 10.02.2012, зарегистрировано 25.04.2013, опубл. 15.05.2013 г. «Способ производства сахарного печенья». Авторы: Изембаева Асель Камалсеитовна, Изтаев Ауельбек Изтаевич, Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна, Мадибаева Гульзада Сейдуалиевна
  • Инновационный патент РК № 26836; заявка №2012/0152.1. заявл. 10.02.2012, зарегистрировано 25.04.2013, опубл. 15.05.2013 г. «Способ производства сахарного печенья». Авторы: Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна, Изтаев Ауельбек Изтаевич, Изембаева Асель Камалсеитовна, Мадибаева Гульзада Сейдуалиевна
  • Инновационный патент РК № 25623; заявка №2011/0466.1. заявл. 29.04.2011, зарегистрировано 27.03.2012, опубл. 16.04.2012 г. «Способ производства мучно-кондитерских изделий». Авторы: Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна, Изтаев Ауельбек Изтаевич, Узабаев Базар Касымжанович, Омаралиева Айгуль Махмутовна, Куанышов Асланбек Кожайулы, Рустемова Айнаш Жубайхановна, Маемеров Мелес Макешович, Искакова Галия Куандыковна, Утепбаев Болат Орынбекович, Изтаев Бауржан Ауелбекович, Кулажанов Талгат Куралбекович, Изембаева Асель Камалсеитовна
  • Способ производства галет с длительным сроком хранения. Заявка №2017/0112.2(22). Дата подачи заявки 22.02.2017. Автор: Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна
  • Способ производства галет «Сарбаздар». Заявка на полезную модель №2019/0351.2 от 18.04.2019 г. Автор: Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна
  • Предварительный патент РК № 15773, опубл. 15.05.2013 г. «Способ производства хлеба». Автор: Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна
  • Предварительный патент РК № 15640, опубл. 16.05.2005 г. "Способ производства хлеба и хлебобулочных изделий", Авторы: Искакова Галия Куандыковна, Изтаев Ауелбек, Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна, Баймаганбетова Гулжанар Байболатовна, Байысбаева Мерует Пернебаевна, Карталова Мария Семеновна
  • МПК: A21D 8/02
  • Патент на Полезную Модель РК №4511, Номер заявки 2019/0351.2, Дата подачи заявки 18.04.2019 г., МПК A21D 8/00 (2006.01), "Способ производства галет", Номер и дата бюллетеня: № 48 от - 29.11.2019 г. Автор(¬ы) Чакпаров Ержан Казкенович; Чакпаров Ерболат Ержанович; Жарылқасынова Жұлдыз Әділқызы Жарылқасынова Жұлдыз Әділқызы; Искакова Галия Куандыковна; Мулдабекова Баян Жаксылыковна; Кизатова Майгуль Жалеловна


Yakiyaeva Madina

  • Алтайулы С., Якияева М.А. Технология производства фосфолипидных концентратов растительных масел. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. Научный журнал. – №4 (113), 2016. – С. 58-65. http://vestnik-atu.kz/images/vestnik_4_16.pdf
  • Изтаев А.И., Якияева М.А., Кизатова М.Ж., Маемеров М.М., Изтаев Б.А., Набиева Ж.С., Козыбаев А.К., Молдакаримов А.А. Влияния условий и отдельных факторов на сохранность рапса сорта «Липецкий». Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. Научный журнал. №2 (115), 2017. - С. 5-9. http://vestnik-atu.kz/images/vestnik_2_2017.pdf
  • Изтаев А.И., Якияева М.А., Кизатова М.Ж., Маемеров М.М. Эффективность ионокавитационной обработки для устойчивого хранения масличных культур в газовой среде азота. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. – Научный журнал. – №3 (116), 2017, – С. 86-92. http://vestnik-atu.kz/images/vestnik_3_2017.pdf
  • Құлажанов Т.Қ., Ізтаев Ә.І., Якияева М.А., Маемеров М.М., Молдабекова Н.Т. Астық зиянкестеріне ионоозонды өңдеудің әсері. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. Научный журнал. №3 (120), 2018 ж. - Б. 69-75
  • А. Изтаев, М.А. Якияева, Ш.А. Турсунбаева, М.М. Маемеров, И. Жауантай. Жұмсақ бидайдың әртүрлі класстарынан ашытқысыз нан алу әдістері. Ж. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. - Алматы, 2019. - №3 (124). - С. 5-10. ISSN 2304-5681, Импакт-фактор по КазБЦ - 0,030.
  • М.А. Якияева, А. Изтаев, М.М. Маемеров. Изменение микробиологических показателей нута сорта «Экарда элита», обработанного ионными и ионоозонными потоками. Научный журнал «Механика и технологии». - Алматы, 2020. - №1 (67). - С.88-92. ISSN 2308-9865, Импакт-фактор по КазБЦ - 0,053
  • А.Қ. Тоқтабаева, М. Якияева, Г.А. Мун. 2-Гидроксиэтилакрилат және метилметакрилат сополимер гельдерінің полиакрил қышқылының сулы ерітінділерінде комплекс түзуі. Вестник КазНУ. Серия химическая, №1 (65), 2012 г. С. 411-416
  • А.Қ. Тоқтабаева, Е.М. Шайхутдинов, Ф.Р. Султанов, М.А. Якияева, Г.А. Мун. Комплексообразование акриловых поликислот с ионами переходных металлов и их стимулчувствительные свойства. Вестник КазНУ. Серия химическая, №1 (65), 2012 г. С. 416-419.
  • П.И. Үркімбаева, А.Қ. Тоқтабаева, М.А. Якияева. Диметиламиноэтилметакрилат - акрил қышқылы сополимерлері негізінде алынған жаңа полиамфолитті гидрогельдер. Вестник КазНУ. Серия химическая, №1 (65), 2012 г. С. 442-445.
  • Р.Қ. Рахметуллаева, М.А. Якияева, А.К. Тоқтабаева, Г.А Мун. Бутилакрилат негізіндегі жаңа стимулсезімтал сополимерлердің қасиеттерін заманауи әдістермен зерттеу. Вестник КазНУ. Серия химическая. Алматы №1(69), 2013г. С. 77-83.
  • Изтаев А.И., Маемеров М.М., Якияева М.А., Шукешева С.Е. Изменение микробиологических показателей семян масличных культур после обработки при хранении. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. Научный журнал. №1 (110), 2016. - С. 27-32.
  • Изтаев А.И., Маемеров М.М., Якияева М.А., Фейденгольд В.Б. Длительное хранение обработанных семян зернобобовых культур в охлажденных условиях. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. Научный журнал. №3 (112), 2016. С. 99-106.
  • Ш.А. Турсунбаева, А.И. Изтаев, М.Г. Магомедов, М.А. Якияева. Разработка инновационных технологии хлебных изделий из цельносмолотой муки разных классов. Вестник ВГУИТ., 2019. ISSN 2226-910X. DOI: http://doi.org/10.20914/2310-1202-2019-4-83-88. – №81 (4). – С. 83-88. Импакт-фактор журнала в РИНЦ: 0,454
  • М.А. Якияева, А. Изтаев, М.М. Маемеров. Структурный анализ урожая зерновых культур. Научный журнал «Механика и технологии». – Алматы, 2020. – №2 (68). – С. 121-126. ISSN 2308-9865, Импакт-фактор по КазБЦ - 0,053
  • Әбдібек А.Ә., Мулдабекова Б.Ж., Якияева М.А., Идаятова М.А., Әбіл А.Ж. Эффективность использования нетрадиционного сырья в производстве мучных кондитерских изделий. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий. – Алматы, 2021. - №3. - С. 24-31. индексируется в Emerging Sources Citation базы данных Web of Science https://journals.nauka-nanrk.kz/chemistry-technology/article/view/2126
  • Теngelbayeva А.А., Toktamysova A.B., Мuldabekova B.Zh., Iskakova G.К., Yakiyayeva M.A. – Corresponding author. New methods for increasing food value of flour confectionery goods. Ж. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. - Алматы, 2020. - №2 (127). - С. 5-8. ISSN 2304-5681, Импакт-фактор по КазБЦ – 0,030. Входит в перечень КОКСОН. https://www.vestnik-atu.kz/jour/article/view/267/293
  • Изтаев А., Турсунбаева Ш.А., Якияева М.А., Маемеров М.М. Төменгі класты жұмсақ бидай ұндарынан ашытқысыз нан алу. Ж. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. – Алматы, 2020. – №2 (127). – С. 23-30. ISSN 2304-5681, Импакт-фактор по КазБЦ – 0,030. Входит в перечень КОКСОН. https://www.vestnik-atu.kz/jour/article/view/271/297
  • Iztayev A., Kulazhanov T., Yakiyayeva M., Maemerov M., Iztayev B., Mamayeva L. The efficiency of ionocavitational processing and storage in the nitrogen medium of oilseeds. Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems, No. 7, 2018. - Р. 2032-2040.http://www.jardcs.org/backissues/abstract.php?archiveid=5897
  • Yakiyayeva M.A., Iztaev A., Kizatova M., Maemerov M., Iztaeva A., Feydengold V., Tarabaev B., Chakanova Zh. Influence of ionic, ozone ion-ozone cavitational treatment on safety of the leguminous plants and oil-bearing crops at the storage //Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.-2016, - Vol.11, Issue 6, - P. 1229-1234.
  • Efficient mathematical models of ion-ozon cavitation treatment for long-term storage of grain legume crops Iztayev, A., Yakiyayeva, M., Kulazhanov, T., (...), Toxanbayeva, B., Chakanova, Z. Acta Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved), 2018
  • The investigation of the impact of dynamic deterioration of ozone on grass growth and the consequence of ion-ozone cavitation treatment Iztayev, A., Urazaliev, R., Yakiyayeva, M., (...), Toxanbayeva, B., Dauletkeldі, Y.Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 2018
  • Tursunbayeva Sholpan A., Iztayev Аuyelbek, Magomedov Magomed, Yakiyayeva Маdina A. (Correspondence author), Muldabekova Bayan Zh. Study of the quality of low-classes wheat and bread obtained by the accelerated test method. Periódico Tchê Química. – ISSN 2179-0302. (2019); vol.16 (Number 33). Р. 809-823. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 70. http://deboni.he.com.br/Periodicopdf
  • Zhakatayeva Altynay, Iztayev Аuyelbek, Мuldabekova Bayan, Yakiyayeva Маdina (Correspondence author), Hrivna Ludek. Scientific security assessment of safety risk of raw sugar products. Periódico Tchê Química. – ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.17 (Number 34). Р. 352-368. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 70. http://www.deboni.he.com.br/Periodico34.pdf
  • Iztayev А., Baibatyrov T., Mukasheva T., Мuldabekova B., Yakiyayeva М. Experimental studies of the baisheshek barley// Periódico Tchê Química. – ISSN 2179-0302. (2020); vol.18 (Number 35). Р. 239-258. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 70.  http://www.deboni.he.com.br/Periodico35.pdf
  • Tursunbayeva Sh.A., Iztayev A.I., Mynbayeva A.B., Alimardanova M.K., Iztayev B.A., Yakiyayeva M.A. - corresponding author. Development of a highly efficient ion-ozone cavitation technology for accelerated bread production. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 2021 Article No: 98341 – ISSN 2045-2322, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-98341-w
  • Kвартиль по данным JCR компании Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) – Q1. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 93. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-98341-w
  • Yakiyayeva M. – first and corresponding author, Muldabekova B., Mukhtarkhanova R., Maliktayeva P., Zheldybayeva A., Nasrullin G., Toktarova A. Devising the formulation and technology for baking buns from flour of composite mixtures and sugar beet. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11-113), 2021, С. 73-84. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus – 56. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/240348
  • Iztayev B., Yakiyayeva M.A. - Corresponding author, Magomedov M., Iztayev A., Kenzhekhojayev M., Spandiyarov Ye. Devising technology of the accelerated method for making yeast-free bakery products from wheat flour. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11-112), 2021, С. 50-57. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 56. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/238148
  • Tungyshbayeva U., Mannino S. - профессор Università degli Studi di Milano (Италия), Uazhanova R., Adilbekov M., Yakiyayeva M.A., Kazhymurat A. Development of a methodology for determining the critical limits of the critical control points of the production of bakery products in the republic of Kazakhstan. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11-111), 2021, С. 57-69. Процентиль по CiteScore в базе Scopus - 56. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/234969
  • METHOD FOR THE SAFE STORAGE OF SUGAR BEETS USING AN ION-OZONE MIXTURE Iztayev, A., Kulazhanov, T.K., Yakiyayeva, M.A., Zhakatayeva, A.N., Baibatyrov, T.A. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia Alimentariathis link is disabled, 2021, 20(1), стр. 25–35
  • Изтаев А.И., Маемеров М.М., Кулажанов Т.К., Якияева М.А. и другие. Способ ионокавитационной обработки масличных культур с подготовкой их к хранению. Патент на изобретение № 33292 от 16.11.2018 г; заявка №2017/0672.1. заявл. от 15.08.2017 г.https://gosreestr.kazpatent.kz/Invention/Details?docNumber=281598
  • Изтаев А.И., Искакова Г.К., Баймаганбетова Г.Б., Изтаев Б.А, Изтаева А.А., Якияева М.А., Атыханова М.Б. Способ производства макаронных изделий. Инновационный патент № 30686 от 02.12.2014 г; заявка №2014/1782.1. заявл. 02.12.2014
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  • Универсальное ионоозонное взрывокавитационное устройство по обработке семян, зерна и продуктов его переработки. Патент на изобретение № 32819 от 28.04.2018 г; заявка №2016/1028.1. заявл. 08.11.2016 г.
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  • Изтаев А.И., Маемеров М.М., Кулажанов Т.К., Изтаев Б.А., Якияева М.А., Жакатаева А.Н., Молдакаримов А.А., Койланов К.С. Способ хранения корнеплодов сахарной свеклы в кагатах с применением ионоозонной смеси и устройство по его осуществлению. Патент на полезную модель. Заявка №2020/0481.2 заявл. от 22.05.2020 г. Получено уведомление о положительном результате формальной экспертизы.
  • Изтаев А.И., Маемеров М.М., Кулажанов Т.К., Изтаев Б.А., Якияева М.А., Жакатаева А.Н., Молдакаримов А.А., Койланов К.С. Способ и устройство по хранению корнеплодов сахарной свеклы в углекислой или азотной среде с применением озона или ионоозонной смеси. Патент на изобретение. Заявка №2020/0335.1 заявл. от 22.05.2020 г. Получено уведомление о положительном результате формальной экспертизы.
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Ulbala Tungyshbayeva:

  • Тунгышбаева У.О. Уажанова Р.У., Маннино С. Оценка эффективности внутренней подготовки кадров по системе НАССР на хлебопекарном предприятии A Республики Казахстан. Научно-технический журнал «Новости науки Казахстана», г. Алматы, РК, №2, 2018. - С.148-159
  • Тунгышбаева У.О. Уажанова Р.У. Сериккызы М. Манап К.Р. Основные проблемы в системе качества и безопасности производства хлебобулочных изделий. Факторы, влияющие на ценообразование Вестник Казахского национального исследовательского технического университета имени К.И. Сатпаева, г. Алматы, РК, №4, 2019. - С.350-356
  • Тунгышбаева У.О. Уажанова Р.У. Сериккызы М. Манап К.Р. Основные направления развития современного международного менеджмента в области качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов. Практика применения данных стандартов в РК». Вестник Казахского национального исследовательского технического университета имени К.И. Сатпаева,г.Алматы, РК, №4, 2019. - С. 357-361
  • Тунгышбаева У.О. Уажанова Р.У., Сепеда А.С. Кажымурат А.Т. Оценка рисков вероятной безопасности при производстве коллагенового гидролизата Научно-технический журнал «Новости науки Казахстана», г. Алматы, РК, №2, 2019. - С.198-204
  • Уажанова Р.У., Сепеда А.С., Кажымурат А.Т., Тунгышбава У.О. Оценка рисков вероятной безопасности при производстве коллагенового гидролизата. Научно-технический журнал «Новости науки Казахстана», г. Алматы, РК, №2, 2019. - С .198-204
  • Тунгышбаева У.О. Уажанова Р.У. Сериккызы М. Разработка образовательных программ по метрологии с учетом применения профессиональных стандартов Научно-технический журнал «Метрология», г. Алматы, РК, №2 (75), 2020. - С .198-204
  • Development and implementation of haccp plan based on fmea in collagen hydrolizate industry. Uazhanova, R.U., Kazhymurat, A.T., Tungyshbayeva, U.O., Saez, A.C. 2019 Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. Т. 28. С. 13-21.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of internal training of personnel in the HACCP system at the bakery enterprise. Uazhanova, R., Mannino, S., Tungyshbaeva, U., Kazhymurat, A. 2018 Acta Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved)
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing control systems in the increasing of food safety. Uazhanova, R., Tungyshbaeva, U., Kazhymurat, A., Mannino, S. 2018 Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.

Project name: ИРН АР09258901 «Research and development of combined refrigeration systems with radiative cooling for industrial refrigeration and air conditioning»

Funding source: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Grant number: AP09258901/ГФ

Project implementation period: 2021–2023 year




Refrigeration systems make a significant contribution to the energy consumption of modern cities.  Due to the steady increase in the number of refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to look for ways to increase its energy efficiency.


Radiative Cooling – it is a way of removing heat into the environment in the form of infrared radiation through the planet's atmosphere into outer space. This cooling method allows to obtain a temperature below the ambient temperature with minimal energy consumption.

The climate of Kazakhstan is suitable for the use of radiation cooling. However, the possibility of using radiation cooling depends on the weather conditions. In this regard, for stable maintenance of the required temperature, radiation cooling should be used in conjunction with traditional refrigeration machines.

In continental climates, at certain times, traditional refrigeration machines may not perform as efficiently as possible. Here in the summer they work at high ambient temperatures. If the heat of condensation of the refrigerant is removed to ambient air with a temperature of + 40°C, the condensation temperature rises above + 55°C. This leads to a decrease in the coefficient of performance, causes increased power consumption. The use of evaporative condensers and various liquid-cooled condensers in order to reduce the condensation temperature is not always possible due to the lack of fresh water. Due to the use of radiation cooling, it is possible to create a scheme for removing the heat of condensation, which allows you to simultaneously reduce the condensation temperature and eliminate the consumption of fresh water.

In winter, the use of traditional refrigeration machines is also necessary, despite the possibility of using free cooling. During the cold season, radiation cooling can be used to directly remove heat from the object to be cooled. In this way, refrigeration can be carried out without turning on the compressor of the refrigeration machine, which in certain times of the year can lead to significant energy savings.

Objective of the project: study of the possibility of radiative cooling using in conjunction with a vapor compression refrigeration machine for year-round industrial refrigeration and air conditioning for fruit and vegetable stores located in regions with a continental climate.


Expected and achieved results


As a result of the project, it is planned to develop and manufacture an experimental cold store for apples, which will be cooled by a refrigerating machine and a radiative cooling system.


Results for 2021:

  • Theoretical and experimental studies of the possibility of using radiative cooling to cool the coolant in the winter and to remove the heat of condensation in the summer have been carried out.
  • The design of the apple storage room XK50 with a capacity of 50 tons has been developed. Radiators are integrated into the roof of the building to remove heat into the environment.
  • A schematic diagram of a combined refrigeration system XK50.XC with an intermediate heat transfer liquid with a nominal refrigerating capacity of 4.6 kW has been developed. This scheme differs in that it uses radiation cooling all year round to directly remove heat from the object to be cooled and to reduce the condensation temperature.
  • The main elements of the refrigeration system (radiators, cold accumulator, condensation heat removal unit) have been developed.
  • According to the results of computer modeling in the climate of the city of Almaty, the developed combined system, in comparison with an ordinary chiller scheme, provides an 18% reduction in the operating time of the compressors, a decrease in the maximum condensing temperature from +52 to +40°C, a 2 % decrease in electricity consumption per year.
  • The metal frame of the refrigerating chamber is mounted.


Research group



  • Methodology for determining of the main characteristics of a refrigeration system with condensation heat removal by radiative cooling / Tsoy A.P., Granovskiy A.S., Jamasheva R.A. // The journal of Almaty technological university. – 2021. – №3. – P. 34-41. – https://doi.org/10.48184/2304-568X-2021-3-34-41



  • № 35182 The Republic of Kazakhstan, IPC F25B 25/00, F25B 23/00. Refrigeration system combined with a radiation cooling unit and a vapor compression machine / A. P. Tsoy, A. S. Granovskiy, D. A. Tsoy. – decl. 22.05.2020, publ. 09.07.2021, Bull. №27

ИРН АР09058293 «Development of technology for the production of dietary immunostimulating confectionery products based on the processing of local plant materials»


Relevance of the project 

The popularity of confectionery products according to the statistics of Kazakhstan is growing, on the basis of this, this segment of products can be a carrier of functional ingredients that determine their directional action in the prevention of viral and other mass alimentary diseases.

Attention should be paid to the selection of ingredients based on plant extracts, vitamins, probiotics that strengthen the immune system by improving the biochemical processes in the body.

In this regard, the production of immunostimulating confectionery products enriched with biologically active substances of plant origin is an urgent task for the food industry.

The problem is the insufficient amount of research introduced into production on the development of technology for specialized confectionery products for the population of Kazakhstan.

The solution is a gentle technology for the production of dietary immunostimulating confectionery products based on local plant materials.


Objective of the project

The aim of the work is to develop a resource-saving integrated technology for the production of dietary immunostimulating confectionery (sweets, marmalades, lollipops, etc.), made from natural, inexpensive, local, vegetable raw materials without added sugar, enriched with vital nutrients.


Expected results

  • Based on the results of the implementation of a scientific and technical project for the entire period of the project, at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews will be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or ) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five) (Articles will be submitted, for example, to such journals as the International Food Research Journal (CiteScore 39 percentile), Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise technologies (CiteScore 55 percentile)); 2 articles in journals recommended by the Committee, 4 theses at conferences, monograph.
  • A patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be filed.
  • Technological instruction, organizational standard and other scientific and technical documentation will be developed to identify the effectiveness of the project.
  • Participation in exhibitions and dissemination of research results to potential users, the scientific community and the general public.

The social and economic effect of the project will be the development of a technology for the production of competitive immunostimulating confectionery products that meet the following requirements:

  • produced from domestic raw materials, the part  of which should be 90-100%;
  • have a competitive price;
  • qualitatively different from existing analogues (functional properties);
  • do not contain synthetic food additives;
  • have long shelf life.


Achieved results:

Published 5 scientific articles, including:

- 1 article in the journal in the Scopus database in the Eastern-European journal of Enterprise technologies (54 percentile);
- 1 article in in journal recommended by the Committee;
- 3 theses in international conferences.


A report on patent research has been prepared. A literature review on the means of data analysis of the Scopus database, Web of science, Science Direct, electronic libraries of the Lan system, znanium.com, Cyberleninka, printed publications, encyclopedias was carried out. In the course of the literature review, a selection of medicinal, fruit and berry raw materials, promising and little-studied strains of lactic acid microorganisms was selected. Alternative technologies for the production of confectionery research have been identified. The results of information retrieval are reflected in reports at international scientific and practical conferences. Equipment and necessary materials have been purchased according to the cost estimate.



Tests are underway to develop formulations and gentle samples in order to establish laboratory samples of dietary immunostimulating confectionery products of a functional purpose with high nutritional and biological value. The first six samples of pastille-marmalade products "Strawberry and tutsan", "Apple and sea buckthorn" were obtained. Tasting protocols are attached. Work is underway to enrich pastille-marmalade products with probiotics and prebiotics.


Members of the research group of the project:

Pronina Yulia Gennadievna  (Scopus Author ID 57191589734, ResearcherID Web of Science number: AAW-4474-2020, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0395-3379)

Nabieva Zhanar Serikbolovna (Scopus Author ID 56031451100 and 57203549350, ResearcherID Web of Science number: ABE-5638-2021, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7258-746X)

Bazylkhanova (Tasturganova) Elmira Chaimaksutovna (Scopus Author ID 5720375910, ResearcherID Web of Science number: ABE-9543-2021, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7854-1523)

Shukesheva Saule Erbolatovna (Scopus Author ID 57203547092, Number ResearcherID Web of Science: ABE-5500-2021, ORCID  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7275-8385

Olga Belozertseva (Scopus Author ID 57350330600, ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2149-9811)

Samadun Abdisemat Isamidinuly (ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5286-5175)

Kazhymurat Assemay Talgatkyzy (Scopus Author ID 57203803583, ResearcherID Web of Science number: M-9468-2015, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5359-5528)


List of publications on the project:

Belozertseva O., Baibolova L., Pronina Yu.G., Cepeda A., Tlevlessova D. The study and scientifical substantiation of critical control points in the life cycle of immunostimulating products such as pastila and marmalade // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 5/11 (113). - 2021. - P.20-28 https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.241526

Pronina Yu.G., Bazylkhanova E.Ch., Nabieva Zh.S., Belozertseva O.D., Kazhymurat A.T., Samadun A.I. The current state of research and production of dietary immunostimulating confectionery products based on vegetable raw materials // Coll. mater. IX int. scientific-practical conf. SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY. Technical science. - Nur-Sultan, 2021.S. 54-58. http://www.bobek-kz.com/

Pronina Yu.G., Nabieva Zh.S., Shukesheva S.E. Prospects for the use of lactic acid microorganisms in the production of marmalade // Coll. articles in Integration of Education, Science and Business in Modern Environment: Summer Debates: abstracts of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, August 11-12, 2021. - Dnipro, Ukraine, 2021, pp. 413-415. http://www.wayscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Materials-of-conference-11-12.08.2021-1.pdf

Pronina Yu.G., Nabieva Zh.S., Bazylkhanova E.Ch., Belozertseva O.D., Samadun A.I. Study of the vitamin composition of medicinal herbs in the development of immunostimulating confectionery // J. "Bulletin of the Almaty Technological University", Almaty, - 2021. -№3 (133). - S.25-33. https://doi.org/10.48184/2304-568X-2021-3-25-33

Pronina Yu.G., Nabieva Zh.S., Shukesheva S.E. Justification of the use of immunostimulating medicinal plants in the technology of confectionery pastila-marmalade products // Mater. int. scientific-practical conf. "Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: ATU, 2021.S. 147-148.