Akashkyzy Gulmira

Principal Institute for advanced studies and retraining of personnel ATU

Inzhu Tleulinova Bisenbaevna

Methodist Institute for advanced studies and retraining of personnel ATU

By the learning process involved leading scientists and experts, who have extensive scientific and pedagogical and practical experience, were trained on advanced food processing, processing, light and textile industry, catering the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Educational programs of training courses designed with innovation taking place in science, education, manufacturing and labor market needs, competency approach to learning outcomes, the requirements of professional standards and industry qualifications framework and thus practice-oriented.

Teachers provide a full package of distributing materials and lectures form the necessary documentation.

Training sessions are held in special, with modern equipment, educational and scientific production mini-workshops of of ATU:

  • The center of the bread;
  • The center for the production of pasta,
  • The center of the meat processing,
  • The center for milk processing,
  • Research center “The quality and safety of food products”
  • Laboratories “Microbiology”, “Quality Control of raw materials and finished food products”
  • Training restaurant, and also in the laboratory “Technology products catering”, “Technology of milk and dairy products”, “Technology of meat and meat products”, “The technology of processing of grain”, “Technology of bread and pasta production», «Technology of Fermentation and Winemaking”, center on innovative challenges and product safety and products textile and light industry.

The research center “The quality and safety of food products” classes to acquire skills on modern instruments to determine the quality parameters of food products.

Classes are held in the Kazakh, Russian and English specialists, trained in the universities of Europe.

The advantages of our training are:

  • The high quality of the organization and conduct of the educational process;
  • Operative the formation of groups on the applications received, the maximum customer satisfaction;
  • Variety of forms and methods of training, including conducting studies on the educational and scientific production centers of the university.

After the end of training and passing the exam students receive a standard document.

Our audience:

  • Specialists of middle and senior managers of enterprises of food and processing industries (the apparatchiks, operators, technicians, technologists, technicians, laboratory technicians, craftsmen, technicians, engineers);
  • Specialists of middle and senior managers of public catering and service industry (employees of public catering: cooks, bartenders, waiters, managers of production, technologists, engineers, administrators);
  • Specialists of middle and senior managers of textile and light industries (Weaver, seamstress, Pattern cutting designer, fashion designer, tailor-wagon-tailor seamstress, fashion designer, seamstress, tech-fashion designer clothes, technician weaving, technicians- technologies for the production of nonwoven materials technologist garment production, the operator of the sewing equipment knitted and textile haberdashery, sewing equipment adjuster assembling equipment companies, technician-mechanic);
  • Heads of the enterprises of food and processing, textile and light industry, service industry and hospitality;
  • Teachers, researchers, doctoral students, undergraduates specialized universities and colleges.

Preparation of food for the individual programs of weight correction, catering to the food allergy.


  • Drawing up the menu, taking into account the health status and requirements of the customer.
  • correction weight toward increasing muscle mass.
  • Preparation and presentation of meals.
  • Bakery products. Purchase of products.
  • Care and kitchen equipment.
  • Baby food.
  • Control the shelf life of products.
  • And most importantly, you will become a sought-after expert.


Upon completion of training certificate is issued.

Refresher courses for the profession “Cook 4 (5) category of are focused on practicing chefs who want to improve their skills to the maximum discharge. During the courses, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the modern trends in cooking, to get advice on the formation and organization of the menu of the restaurant, to learn new cooking technologies, improve their professional skills. All of this allows those skilled in the catering successfully to use the experience and knowledge in their professional activities.


Training courses carried out under the supervision of highly qualified specialists working on the successful catering with modern equipment, with extensive teaching and practical experience. During the courses we use the most advanced methods and technologies for practical training. Training courses are held in training and production workshops (restaurants), laboratories cooking show room equipped with everything necessary for the efficient operation of listeners.


After the course the specialty acquire knowledge of food preparation and products that require cooking various complexity:

  • A variety of salads and snacks made with fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables, meat and fish;
  • the-first-course: filling, puree, clear, sweet, cold.
  • Dishes of vegetables, fish and seafood, meat and meat products, poultry and rabbit cooked, stewed, roasted, baked form;
  • Juices, different kinds of passirovok, spicy dressings;
  • Hot and cold beverages;
  • Desserts, baked goods, etc.

Training courses in professions waiter and bartender are designed for people who are interested in getting a new, modern, full of knowledge, skills and experience in the profession. The proposed program of study in our courses takes into account the wishes and requirements that impose the owners of modern restaurants, cafes and bars.


If you really want to know how to service in high-end catering, how to correctly present the menu to serve the client properly, then we will share the secrets of preparing to receive visitors, table layout, style of service, serving dishes and drinks.

Vocational training courses in the profession “Confectioner” may be for you the beginning of a successful career. Cakes, pastries, pies and cakes, rolls, biscuits, products of caramel and chocolate – it is indispensable attribute of any celebration. That is why large stores, supermarkets, pastry shops, bakeries, restaurants, cafes, bakeries and other businesses so desperately need and appreciate the members of the profession.


Courses confectioners opened broad new professional horizons. After graduating from the courses and find a job, you will have the opportunity for professional growth, achieve a higher rank, leadership positions or organizing their own successful business.