We invite you to young researchers: students, undergraduates, doctoral students and academic staff of your organization to participate in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists  «SCIENCE. EDUCATION. YOUTH» will be held  on April 21-22, 2022  in Almaty.


Conference organizer: Almaty Technological University.
Languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian and English.


Thematic areas (sections) of the Conference:

- Technology of Food and Processing Industry;
- Light and Textile Industry;
- Mechanization, Automation andComputerization of Technological Processes;
- General-economic problems, Hospitality Industry;
- Natural Sciences;
- Social and Humanitarian Sciences.


Reports presentation:

Reports and Intelligence, not more than 3 full text pages (including graphic materials) are represented in interactive form (sent in electron form to the following e-mail: http://register.atu.kz/rnpk/  or could be brought on electron data carrier to the organizing committee). Name of the file –the surname of the first author. Typesetting -  Times New Roman, Times New Roman KK EK, format: MS Word 95/97/2000/XP, bookish, print size – 14, line-to-line spacing –single, all sides backgrounds – 20 mm.

Text of the report must be completed in the following order: at the beginning of the document in the left upper corner UDC index is shown, then on the next line right in the middle the name of the report (with capital letters), on the next page – surname and initials of the authors also academic degree, place of work, city, country and e-mail  must be shown. From the next line the text of report must be represented. Text is original and cannot be edited.  At the end of the report references must be shown. References are required.

The number of articles from one author is no more than 2. In one article no more than 3 co-authors.

The deadline for reports – 03  April, 2022. The organizing committee  reserves the right to decline reports completed with breach of requirements, reports, mismatching to the subject areas or which were received after 03  April, 2022.

After obtaining the notification of acceptance of the report to the publication from the Organizing committee, authors need to submit the scanned copy of the payment document (organizing fee) to the following address: conference@atu.kz.  Deadline for submission of documents for payment of organizing fee - up to 18 April,  2022.

Reports will be published in Proceedings of the Conference during a month after the end of the Conference  and will be placed on the site www.atu.kz.  


Organizational issues

In Order to Take Part in the Conference it is Necessary to Send Organizing committee (before 03 April,  2022) registration form of the conference participant and an abstract. The registration fee for the conference is 2500 tenge.


Registration form of the conference participant

Last name, first name, patronymic (completely)_____________________________________
Place of employment, position_____________________________________________________
Academic degree, academic rank___________________________________________________
Contact phone, e-mail____________________________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic of Scientific adviser
Academic degree, academic rank___________________________________________________
Name of report_________________________________________________________________
Form of participation (underline): participation without report, participation with report, correspondence participation)
Need hotel reservation (yes/no)____________________________________________________


Organizing committee address:

050012 Almaty , 100, Tole bi str ., Almaty Technological University, Department of Science, 
Office 617, tel +(727)293-53-19 (ext. 178, 243).   
E-mail: conference@atu.kz   



Payment details:

Almaty Technological University
РНН 600700012258
ИИК KZ878560000000011134
КБе 17, БИК 190501719
БИН 990840000359

Dear colleagues!


Almaty Technological University would like to invite you to take part in work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Development of Food, Light and Hospitality Industry” will be held on October 21-22, 2021 in Almaty.


Scientists, experts, state and public figures, representatives of business-structures and mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CIS and abroad countries are invited for participation in the Conference.


Thematic areas (sections) of the Conference:


  • Innovative Raw Material Processing Technologies for the Production of Environmentally Friendly Food Products;
  • Biotechnology and Nanomaterials in Agricultural Sector;
  • Resource-Saving and Safe Textile Technologies to Produce a New Generation of Products;
  • Design Concepts and Methods of Garments Design;
  • Processes and Equipment of Food and Light Industry;
  • Infocommunicational Control of Technological Processes;
  • Sustainable Development of Tourism, Hotel and Catering Business;
  • Problems of Economic Growth of Food, Light Industry and Hospitality Industries;
  • Innovative Technologies in Education.


Forms of Participation

  • a performance with the plenary report;
  • a performance with the section report;
  • the publication without report.


Proceedings of the Conference will be published and ISBN index will be appropriated to it.
Working languages of conference:  Kazakh, Russian, English.


Paper submission:

Papers and reports no more than 3 full pages of the text (including a graphic material) are submitted in an interactive form. For paper submission it is necessary to register online on the Conference website at www.conference-atu.kz.


The report is attached by the separate file to the filled registration form.

The file name: a surname of the main author.

Font: Times New Roman, Times New Roman KK EK

Format: MS Word 95/97/2000/XP; font size – 14; interline spacing – single; margins- from all directions – 20 mm.


The text of the report drawn up as follows: At the beginning of the document in the upper left corner indicates the UDC, then on the next line in the middle by uppercase letters - the name of the report, on the next line - surname and initials of the authors, indicating scientific degree, place of work, city, country, electronic addresses and the next line - the text of the report. The text is the original and can not be edited.


The deadline for paper submission – October 01, 2021.  The organization committee reserves the right to reject papers (reports) issued with violation of requirements, and which do not meet thematic areas of the Conference or submitted after deadline.


The organizing committee will send  confirmation letter to the author after registration and receipt of the report. After receiving confirmation letter the author should send scan version of participation fee payment to the following E-mail address: conference@atu.kz  until October 15, 2021.


Papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference and on the website of the Conference www.conference-atu.kz.


The responsibility for the scientific content and presentation of the material are born by the authors. Materials that do not meet the thematic areas and the requirements for registration or sent after the deadline will not be considered and will not be returned.


Participation fee

Participation fee for Conference for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 3000 KZT, for citizens of other states – 30 dollars USA with the right of receiving one copy of the Proceedings of the Conference. For PhD, post-graduate and master students particioation fee is respectively 2000 KZT or 20 US dollars.


Participation fees are accepted on the bank account of Almaty Technological University with the indication of a full name and a note “Conference 2021”.


Payment Details: 
«Almaty Technological University» JSC,
050012, Almaty, Tole bi str., 100
Almaty branch of «BankCenterCredit» JSC,
БИН 990840000359,  
КБЕ 17. 


Payment account:

For payment in USD:
ИИК KZ978560000000517280


Online Registration and Paper Submission - October  01, 2021.
Payment of the Participation fee - October 15,  2021.      


Address of the Organizing Committee:

050012, The Republic of Kazakhstan, city of Almaty, Tole bi str., 100
Almaty Technological University
Tel. +(727) 293-53-10, ext. 178,243,  fax +(727) 293-52-92,
E-mail: conference@atu.kz 


International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry”. The Almaty Scientific and Technological University on October 25-26, 2018 held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry”.


The conference was attended by scientists, specialists, government and public figures, representatives of relevant business structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the CIS and abroad.


Before the opening of the conference, the guests familiarized themselves with the exhibition of scientific achievements of scientists of Almaty Technological University. The conference was opened by the First Vice-Rector of the ATU, Professor Nurakhmetov Baurzhan Kumargaliyevich.


At the plenary meeting of the conference the following reports were made:


  • Natalia Mokeeva - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department “Technology and Design of Apparel Products”, with a report on the topic: “The system of evaluation tools in the preparation of masters”;
  • Lyudmila Vasilyevna Antipova - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technology of Animal Products of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, with a report on the topic: “Intercollegiate and interdisciplinary interactions are the basis for solving modern problems in science and education”;
  • Azret Utebaevich Shingisov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Technology and Safety of Food Products Department of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, with a report on the topic: “Scientific substantiation of the storage modes of fruit and vegetable products”;
  • Kolesnikova Svetlana Vasilyevna - Head of GR-projects of the branch of EFKO Management Company JSC, with a report on the topic: “Global trends in the development of the oil and fat industry”.


Further work of the conference was organized in 4 thematic sections. The informative programmatic reports presented at the sectional sessions highlighted the results of many years of research by domestic and foreign scientists on the current state, trends and prospects for the development of the food and hospitality industry, analyzed aspects of improving technology, economic, managerial and social aspects of the development and training of industry specialists.


During the discussions, possible solutions to the most significant problems and promising areas for further research were formulated. 258 reports were submitted for publication in the conference collection, which was published before the conference began.


Following the conference, it was decided to continue the experience of international scientific cooperation on the development of food, light industry and the hospitality industry, economic issues, as well as training specialists for these industries.


Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Innovative development of food, light industry and the hospitality industry” October 25-26, 2018

On April 26-27, 2018, the republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists “SCIENCE. EDUCATION. YOUTH”.


223 reports were submitted to the conference, of which 195 were published in the conference proceedings.


The conference was attended by students, undergraduates, doctoral students, young scientists, specialists from higher educational institutions of the republic and neighboring countries, research institutes, industrial enterprises, such as:


  • Kazakh National University. Al Farabi;
  • Kazakh National Technical University named after KI Satpayev;
  • Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy;
  • Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University;
  • Shakarim State University;
  • Kazakh University of Technology and Business;
  • Eurasian University of Technology;
  • LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry”.


At the plenary meeting of the conference the following reports were made: Tultabaeva Tamara Chumanovna - doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory “Technology of processing and storage of livestock products” KazNII PPP on the topic: “Prospects for the development of innovative technologies for the processing of camel milk”;


Amutova Farida - Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemical Research Methods of Antigen LLP on the topic: “Quality and Biosecurity of Beekeeping Products Based on International Standards”;


Arai Zhakupbekova - Researcher at the Laboratory of Chemical Research Methods of Antigen LLP on the topic: “Comprehensive analysis of the falsification of milk and dairy products”, etc.


Section 1 - Technology of food and processing industries. Section 2 - Light and textile industry. Section 3 - Mechanization, automation and informatization of technological processes. Section 4 - General Economic Issues, Tourism and the Hospitality Industry. Section 5 - Natural Sciences. Section 6 - Social and Human Sciences.


The conference discussed current issues: modern technologies of food and light industry; chemical, biological and biotechnological aspects in ensuring food safety, modern methods of control; information and technical support of food production; educational innovations in training for the food and light industries; improvement of management methods for food, light industry, hospitality, tourism enterprises. The most relevant scientific works of young scientists were awarded diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degree. The conference participants were awarded for each section 1 diploma - I degree, 2 diplomas of the II degree and 3 diplomas of the III degree (total number of diplomas 36 pieces).


Materials of the international scientific-practical conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Almaty Technological University on October 6 and 7, 2017, the International Scientific and Practical Conference Innovative development of food, light industry and the hospitality industry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Almaty Technological University, was held at the Almaty Technological University.


The conference was attended by scientists, specialists, government and public figures, representatives of relevant business structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the CIS and abroad.


The conference was opened by the Rector of the ATU, Academician Kulazhanov Talgat Kuralbekovich. At the plenary meeting of the conference the following reports were made:


  • Michael Muller Trade Advisor to the Austrian Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Kolyo Tenev, Director of the University of Food Technologies in the City of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), with a presentation on the topic: Use of baromembrane methods to improve technological processes in the dairy industry
  • Shtykhno Dmitry Aleksandrovich Vice-Rector for Development of the Russian Economic University. G.V.Plekhanova (Russia) with a report on the theme “Hospitality industry as a driver of innovation.


Further work of the conference was organized in 3 thematic sections. The reports presented at the breakout sessions highlighted the results of many years of research by domestic and foreign scientists on the current state, trends and prospects for the development of food, light industry and hospitality industry, as well as analyzed the issues of technical re-equipment of enterprises, considered economic, managerial and social aspects of development industries and the task of training specialists.


In the course of the discussions, promising areas for further research were considered and possible ways of solving the most significant problems were formulated.


A collection of conferences published 181 reports. In particular, in the Technique and Technology section for processing agricultural raw materials and food production, their quality and safety published - 109 reports, in the Technology and Safety section of goods and products of light and textile industry; design and fashion - 21 reports, in the section Economic issues of food, light industry and hospitality industry, technology of restaurant and hotel business - 51 reports.


The conference was held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Almaty Technological University. Rector of the university Talgat Kulazhanov delivered a report on the achievements of the university, after which the guests of the event spoke with congratulations.


The rector of the university personally awarded the guests a jubilee medal for 60 years of ATU. The solemn meeting ended with a festive concert.


On October 7, the anniversary event continued with the opening of the new ATU sports complex, where the first vice-rector Baurzhan Nurakhmetov spoke about the importance of sports in the lives of Kazakhstani people and, in particular, in the lives of ATU students. Then the guests and participants familiarized themselves with the educational, research and production centers of the university. The guests visited such strategic departments of the university as the milk processing center, the bread center, the meat processing center, the oil center and dietary supplements, where they were treated with various products.


At the final plenary meeting, the first vice-rector Baurzhan Nurakhmetov spoke, who summed up the international scientific-practical conference, warmly thanked all the guests and participants and wished further achievements in the field of science.


Then guests were waited by a cultural event, which was held in the mountain complex “Sunkar”, where guests could watch a show with birds of prey and take part in falconry.

On April 21-22, 2016, a university conference of young scientists “SCIENCE. EDUCATION. YOUTH”. 254 reports from higher educational institutions of the Republic and neighboring countries, research institutes, industrial enterprises, such as:


  • Almaty branch of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Almaty;
  • Taraz Innovation and Humanities University; Taraz;
  • EKSU named after S. Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk;
  • Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia;
  • School № 197, Kyzylorda;
  • Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
  • Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan;
  • Kaz ATK them. M. Tynyshpayev;
  • Shakarim State University of Semey;
  • Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylay Khan;
  • Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade;
  • ​KazNRTU them. K.Satpayev


The conference was held in 6 sections:


Section 1 - Technology of food and processing industries.
Moderators: Uazhanova R.U., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lesova Zh.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor

Section 2 - Light and textile industry
Moderators: R.O. Zhilisbayeva Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kutzhanova A.Zh., Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Section 3 - Mechanization, automation and informatization of technological processes;
Moderators: N. Zaurbekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, S. Usupov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Section 4 - General economic problems, tourism and the hospitality industry;
Moderators: G.O. Zhanguttina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, A.Zh. Akingazieva, Ph.D.

Section 5 - Natural Sciences;
Moderators: Masanov Zh.Қ., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Suleimenova M.Sh., Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Section 6 - Social and Human Sciences.
Moderators: Z.Zh. Aukhadieva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, AK Zakiryanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor.


The most relevant scientific works of young scientists were awarded diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degree. For each section, 1 diploma is of the І-th degree, 2 diplomas of the ІІ-nd degree and 3 diplomas of the ІІІ degree (the total number of diplomas is 28).


Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “The Science. Education. Youth”. April 21-22, 2016

International Scientific and Practical Conference “INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF FOOD, LIGHT INDUSTRY AND THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY”. October 29-30, 2015


As part of the implementation of the Industrial Innovative Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019, the Almaty Technological University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry” on October 29-30, 2015.


The conference was attended by scientists, specialists, government and public figures, representatives of relevant business structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the CIS and abroad.


Before the opening of the conference, the guests familiarized themselves with the exhibition of scientific achievements of scientists of Almaty Technological University.


The conference was opened by the Rector of the ATU, Professor Kulazhanov Talgat Kuralbekovich.


At the plenary meeting of the conference the following reports were made:


  • Toregeldi Sharmanovich Sharmanov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, President of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition on the theme: “Healthy Longevity”;
  • Mansurov Zulhair Aimukhametovich - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the IAS Higher School, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science, technology and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Some issues of science organization”;
  • Shin Shokita (Japan) - architect, master of design, on the theme: “The concept of Japanese design”, etc.;
  • Rakhimov S.M. - Doctoral student of the department “TTP” on the topic: “The use of metal nanoparticles for antimicrobial finish of cotton fabric”;
  • In the framework of the conference, a webinar was held at the plenary session on the G-Global communication platform with the University. Mendel (Brno, Czech Republic), Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies (Odessa, Ukraine), Novosibirsk Technological University (Novosibirsk, Russia), Chelyabinsk Technical University (Chelyabinsk, Russia), Kazakh University of Technology and Business (Astana).


Within the framework of the conference, seminars and round tables were held in cooperation with invited scientists from the near and far abroad, which allowed scientists and production workers of our republic to actively participate in large-scale international research projects, which provided an opportunity to integrate the efforts of scientists from the foreign scientific and research community innovative projects. In particular, a round table was held on the topic “Problems of integration of science with production at the enterprises of the light industry of RK”. Moderator - Z. Zhilisbayeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Light Industry and Design.


Webinar on the communicative platform G-Global with the Eurasian National University. N. Gumilev (Astana), South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov (Shymkent), Almaty University of Energy and Communications (Almaty) on the topic “Nano-bio and green technologies for a sustainable future.” Moderators - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor ATU Kutzhanova A.Zh., Ph.D., Professor ATU Lesova Zh.T.


In order to discuss issues of introducing modern scientific research into production, as well as combining science and business in the interests of developing domestic industry, members of the ATU Board of Trustees - the Union of Food Enterprises of Kazakhstan, the Association of Hotels and Restaurants, the Association of Light Industry Enterprises, heads of leading food enterprises , light industry, hospitality industry - Aksai-nan LLP, Rakhat JSC, Ararat JV, Karlsberg Kazakhstan JSC, Yeast Plant JSC Ltd, “Becker and K”, JSC “Altyn Diermen Corporation” LLP, “Asia Agro Food” FE “Bijan”, LLP “Sewing Factory” Nick “and others.


Within the framework of the conference, a ceremonial opening of educational and scientific centers for the processing of milk and pasta took place (educational building 3B). Moderator - F. Dikhanbaeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Food Production.


Further work of the conference was organized in 3 thematic sections. The informative program reports presented at the sectional sessions highlighted the results of many years of research by domestic and foreign scientists on the current state, trends and prospects for the development of the food light industry and the hospitality industry, analyzed aspects of improving technology, economic, managerial and social aspects of the development and training of specialists. industries.


During the discussions, possible solutions to the most significant problems and promising areas for further research were formulated. For the publication in the conference digest 204 materials of the conference reports were submitted, which were published prior to the conference.


Following the conference, it was decided to continue the experience of international scientific cooperation on the development of food, light industry and the hospitality industry, as well as the training of specialists for these industries.