Educational programs

The department prepares graduates according to educational programs:

6B07501 - Standardization, certification and metrology (for food industry)

Master's Degree:
7М07502/7М07532 — Metrology
7М07501/7М07531 — Standardization, certification
7М07203/7М07263 — Food safety

8D07203 — Food safety

The Department conducts scientific and methodical work on the implementation of distance learning. Provide additional services:

  • distance learning in a reduced time on the basis of technical and vocational education for the preparation of bachelors in the areas of Standardization, certification and metrology", the duration of training is 3 years.
  • is the chairman of technical committee No. 67, reviews draft standards of the organization for approval, participates in the implementation of the national standardization plan.

To this day, the department has trained specialists in these educational programs: over 5,000 bachelors, over 100 masters, over 30 PhDs.

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