Department of «Technology of bread products and processing industries»

Head of the department

Baiysbaeva Meruert Pernebaevna

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Acting professor at ATU

8 (727) 396-71-33 (ex. 114)


Department address:
st. Furkat, 348/4, building 2A, 4th floor, room 402

The Department of "Technology of bread products and processing industries" was established in 1967 on the basis of the Department of "Special Technologies". The department has been producing specialists since 1971. The first graduates received the specialty of process engineers for grain storage and processing.

Over the long history, the department has been headed in different years by prominent teachers and scientists: Ph.D., Associate Professor Dzhumagulova Laura Imangazievna, Ph.D., Associate Professor Bayarstanov Teleutek Dzhusupovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Idgeev Bakhtygali Kairgalievich, Ph.D., Professor of ATU Roslyakov Mikhail Grigorievich, Ph.D., Professor of ATU Baybolov Kemerbek Baybolovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of NAS RK Iztaev Auelbek, Doctor of Technical Sciences, associate Professor Iskakova Galiya Kuandykovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhienbayeva Saule Turganovna. Currently, the department is headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor, Acting professor at ATU.Baiysbaeva Meruert Pernebaevna.

The number of teaching staff of the department is 32, of which 22 full-time teachers:

6 doctors of sciences, 7 candidates of sciences, 12 PhD, 7 masters, of which:

  • 3 holders of the badge "For merits in the development of science" (Iztaev A.I., Zhienbayeva S.T., Shansharova D.A.),
  • 2 holders of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Iztaev A.I., Iskakova G.K.),
  • 11 holders of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher" (Iztaev A.I. (2006, 2014)- 2 times, Zhienbayeva S.T., Ongarbayeva N.O., Iskakova G.K., Shansharova D.A., Muldabekova B.Zh., Baygazieva G.I., Bayysbaeva M.P. Yakiyaeva M.A., Batyrbaeva N.B.,Izembayeva A.K.).

Development of the professional level of the teaching staff in ATU is given a lot of attention.

The teaching staff of the department annually take advanced training courses and scientific internships at partner universities and research institutes of far and near abroad, industrial internships at leading food enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participate in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, exhibitions

Teachers are trained according to the educational program of the doctoral program "Crop processing technology" and successfully defend their doctoral dissertations.

 Currently, the department provides training in the 3-level Bachelor-Master-PhD system, taking into account the requirements of the Bologna Process and standards for accreditation of engineering programs within the framework of the EUR-ACE project (European Accredited Engineer – European accredited engineer).

Bachelor course

EP 6B07202 " Crop processing technology (in the food industry)”

6B07202 EP training trajectory:

"Technology of grain and cereal products"

"Technology of bakery, pasta and confectionery products"

"Technology of soft drinks and fermented products"

Master's degree

EP 7M07202 "Crop processing technology (in the food industry)"

Doctoral studies

EP 8D07202 "Crop processing technology (in the food industry)"


       In 2012, the undergraduate educational program " Crop processing technology " passed international accreditation, in 2017 and 2024 it was re-accredited by the agency ASIIN (Germany) with the right to award the mark "Euro-engineer" (EUR-ACE®).

       In 2017, Master's and doctoral educational programs "Crop processing technology" received international accreditation from the agency ASIIN (Germany).

       In the ratings of national agencies ("independent Kazakhstan agency for quality assurance in education" and "National Agency for accreditation and rating"), educational programs of Bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs "Crop processing technology" annually take the first places.

       In 2020 and 2023, the participants of the iaar rating among higher educational institutions ATU group of educational programs b068 food production took the 1st place!

 In 2021 and 2023, among the universities participating in the Atameken rating, the educational program "Crop processing technology" took 1st place!

    In 2022, the ATU group of food production educational programs В068 entered the" top-10 " educational programs of the institutional rating of universities!

       According to the results of the rating among the Departments of shooting, the Department "bakery products and technology of Processing Industries" occupies a leading position.

       Scientists of the department successfully combine the training of specialists in food technology with the conduct of scientific research and the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.


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