Announcement about the defense of dissertation of Belozertseva O.D.

Announcement about the defense of dissertation of Belozertseva O.D.

In the Dissertation Council on the direction of training 8D072- «Industrial and manufacturing branches» at JSC «Almaty Technological University» will be defence of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Belozertseva Olga Dmitrievna on the theme: «Scientific bases of providing safety of confectionery products of functional purpose with the use of local raw materials», on speciality 6D073500 – «Food safety».

Dissertation work was carried out in Almaty Technological University at the department of «Safety and quality of food products».

Form of defence - dissertation work.

Language of defence - Russian.

        Academic advisor:

  1. Kulazhanov Talgat Kuralbekovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor, Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scientific advisors:

  1. Baybolova Lyazzat Kemerbekovna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Alberto Cepeda Saez - doctor of nutrition and bromatology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain.

Official Reviewers:

  1. Mateeva Akmaral Erzhanovna - PhD, technologist BAIEL-KZ LLP, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Zhakataeva Altynai Nasypkhanovna - PhD, research associate of «KazNII Institute of Agriculture and Plant Industry», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Foreign member of the Dissertation Council - Irina Yurievna Sergeeva - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department «Technology of food products from vegetable raw materials», Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation.
  2. Serikbayeva Asiya Demeukhanovna - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Technology and Food Safety», NPJSC «Kazakh National Agrarian Research University», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  3. Mamaeva Laura Asilbekovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department «Technology and Food Safety» NPJSC «Kazakh National Agrarian Research University», Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

The defense will take place on 10 May 2024, at 13.00 р.m. in the Dissertation Council on the direction of training 8D072- «Industrial and manufacturing branches» at JSC «Almaty Technological University», at the address: Almaty, 100 Tole Bi str., conference hall, 212 office.

Website address:, e-mail:

The defence will be conducted in a mixed format on the platform ZOOM:
          Conference ID: 876 243 6555

Access code: Qwerty1234

Abstract by Belozertseva O.D.
Dissertation by Belozertseva O.D.
Feedback from a foreign scientific consultant
Feedback from the supervisor
Feedback from a domestic scientific consultant
Conclusion of the ethical commission
List of scientific works of Belozertseva O.D.