8D07201 Food technology

8D07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries (Field of education)
8D072 Manufacturing and processing industries(Direction of training)
D111 Food production(Group of educational programs)

Training of highly qualified scientific, scientific-pedagogical and managerial personnel capable of participating in applied scientific research in the field of food production and organizing the educational process at the university.

Formable learning outcomes

  • uses scientific and professional communication technologies related to analytical textual activity, critical assessment of information and the use of digital technologies

  • demonstrates a holistic system of scientific knowledge about the world around us, about the values of life, culture, about trends in the development of technology and technology in the food industry

  • makes judgments about modern trends and patterns of development of domestic and world science in the field of engineering and technology of food production

  • applies scientific knowledge and professional skills in implementing the objectives of innovative educational policy

  • conducts comprehensive scientific research in the field of professional activity based on deep theoretical and specialized knowledge

  • assesses the socio-economic consequences of new phenomena in science, technology and professional technology

  • interprets the results of his own original research in solving current scientific and practical problems

  • offers science-based new innovative solutions in the field of food production technology and technology that increase production efficiency

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