7M07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries (Field of education)
7М072 Manufacturing and manufacturing industries(Group of educational programs)
M111 Food production(Educational program)
OP goal:
Preparation of masters with a high level of professional culture, capable of solving modern scientific and practical problems in the field of food production and carrying out teaching activities.
Formable learning outcomes:
conducts research in the field of food technology based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge of the history and philosophy of science;
uses modern methods and technologies of scientific and professional communication in a foreign language in the field of professional activity;
applies knowledge of psychology in solving management problems and in planning professional and personal development;
applies knowledge of the methodological foundations of higher education pedagogy and professional knowledge and skills in professional and educational activities;
conducts independent theoretical and experimental research, analysis of their results to solve scientific and practical problems in the food industry;
takes part in the work of teams involved in project management based on knowledge of modern methodology, tools, and standards in the field of project management;
manages the processes of ensuring the quality of food products and services in accordance with regulatory documents;
makes judgments based on the collection and interpretation of information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility and scientific ethics for its use;
develops innovative food technologies based on scientific knowledge, best practices and prospects for the development of the food industry;
presents information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions clearly and accessible using scientific and professional terminology in the field of food