7М05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (Field of education)
7М051 Biological related sciences(Direction of training)
M082 Biotechnology (Group of educational programs)
OP goal:
Preparation of highly qualified and in-demand personnel for academic and industrial research institutes of biological and biotechnological profiles, teaching in higher schools, in leading branches of biotechnological production, capable of formulating and solving problems of a theoretical and applied nature, possessing development and development skills modern and new technologies.
Formable learning outcomes:
demonstrates developing knowledge of the scientific worldview, history and philosophy of science;
capable of written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages;
leads the team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences;
applies knowledge of the methodological foundations of higher education pedagogy and professional education in educational activities;
interprets research data to solve scientific and practical problems;
justifies the choice of analysis method when solving specific biotechnological problems;
demonstrates knowledge of the main directions and opportunities of biotechnology;
organizes food production control and quality management based on modern technologies for using quality assurance systems;
develops innovative technologies for the production of food industry and public catering products;
Clearly communicates information, ideas, findings, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.