Еducational department

Purpose of the ED

Planning the teaching load, assistance in the formation of the staffing of teaching staff, organization and monitoring of the educational process in EP HE.

  • Introduction of typical undergraduate EP curricula into Study space.
  • Development and approval of the academic calendar, schedule of the educational process.
  • Formation of WC EP bachelor's degree for the academic year.
  • Preparation for the approval of the calculation of the teaching load of teaching staff for the academic year.
  • Accounting and current regulation of the dynamics of the regular number of teaching staff.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the teaching load of the teaching staff in accordance with the individual plan.
  • Monitoring the implementation of teaching staff of all types of training sessions in accordance with the schedule of training sessions.
  • Preparation of recommendations and proposals for the improvement of regulatory legal documents.
  • Development of recommendations for long-term plans for the development of JSC "ATU".
  • Coordination of educational documented information with RLA RK and JSC "ATU", and control over compliance with established standards.
  • Preparation of a draft order on the approval of the composition of the State Examination Commission for the discipline "History of Kazakhstan" and attestation commissions for the final assessment of students of the EP bachelor's degree.
  • Preparation of a draft order on approval of the list of reviewers.
  • Preparation of a draft order on the consolidation of the disciplines of WC EP HE and PE.
  • Preparation of a draft order on fixing the auditorium fund
  • Plan and organize the educational process at JSC "ATU", exercise control over its conduct, timely report to the head of the EMM, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs on all violations of the educational process.
  • Develop and improve educational and methodological documented information on planning and organizing the educational process.
  • Develop proposals for improving the processes and DP QMS aimed at improving the quality of the educational process.
  • Develop on the basis of the SES HE of the RK, EP and individual plans of students of the WC.
  • Draw up an academic calendar and a schedule of the educational process for the bachelor's program for the academic year;
  • Replicate and provide the departments and deans of the WC and schedules of the educational process.
  • Prepare for approval the staffing of the teaching staff.
  • Monitor compliance with the standards when calculating the volume of the teaching load of the departments, determining the volume of the hourly fund for the departments.
  • Control the correctness of the compilation and actual execution of reports on the planned, adjusted and actually completed teaching load for the departments and JSC "ATU" as a whole.
  • Ensure the timely execution of the RLA MSHE RK, the rector, decisions of the SC of JSC "ATU", orders and instructions of the vice-rector for AA related to the organization of the educational process.
  • Distribute the classroom fund for training sessions, consultations, independent work of students under the guidance of teachers.
  • Monitoring the state of the classroom fund, the formation together with the departments of applications for repair and equipping classrooms with equipment.
  • Preparation of draft orders of the rector on the educational process, assigning training areas to SS JSC "ATU".
  • Compilation of reporting documented information on the main indicators of the educational activities of ATU, submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Preparation of a draft order for the approval of the composition of the AC for EP HE and SEC in the discipline "History of Kazakhstan".
  • Implementation of control over the work of the SEC.
  • Coordination of schedules for the replacement of teaching staff for the period of business trips, illnesses, etc.
  • Tracking and replenishment of information on the website of JSC "ATU".
  • Maintaining documented information on all issues related to the educational process, preparing reports on educational issues.
  • Monitor the fulfillment of the study load of part-time workers working on an hourly basis and conduct a monthly application for payment.
  • Preparation of an annual report on the section "Functioning of the QMS" and "Management Analysis" on the processes coordinated by the EMM.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the Academic Council, administration and SMC.
  • Participation in the formation of competitive applications for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for participation in the rating of NCE "Atameken" and other agencies.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the institutional accreditation of JSC "ATU" and specialized accreditation of bachelor's programs.
  • Submission for approval by the Academic Council of the forms for conducting the final control in the disciplines of the curricula of the EP of the bachelor's degree.
  • Coordination of the implementation of dual education in the EP of the bachelor's degree.
  • Preparation of Annex 1 "Information on the staffing of pedagogical and teaching staff in the areas of training of personnel with higher education" to the Qualification requirements for educational activities, and the list of documents confirming compliance with them.
  • Preparation of Appendix 10 "Information on scientific supervisors in the field of training, indicating work experience, scientific publications and a prepared textbook or manual" to the Qualification requirements for educational activities, and a list of documents confirming compliance with them.
  • Participation in the development of integrated curricula for double-degree education programs in bachelor's programs and coordination of their implementation.
  • Carry out the instructions of the head and deputy head of the EMM within the framework of the functions of the EMM.


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