Scientific activity

Teachers and staff of the department “Food Safety and Quality” work within the framework of the initiative topic:

Development of technologies, research into the quality and safety of processing food raw materials and food systems. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Uazhanova R.U., heads of subsections Azimova S.T., Zheldybaeva A.A., Iztelieva R.A., Tungyshbaeva U.O.

The department implements projects on grant financing, program-targeted financing and commercialization:

  1. Uazhanova R.U. Grant financing project: Development and experimental testing of radiation treatment to ensure the shelf life of agricultural and food products. Completion dates: 01.01.2024-31.12.2026. Funding amount: 100,928,257 tenge.
  2. Belozertseva O.D., Samadun A.I., Kazymurat A.T. "Development of a technology for the production of dietary immunostimulating confectionery products based on the processing of local plant raw materials" Amount of funding, thousand tenge 53,998.789 tenge, Completion dates 01.02.2021-31.12.2023 grant funding for young scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023.
  3. Tungyshbaeva U.O. Services for conducting laboratory / laboratory and instrumental research / analyzes in order to develop standards in 3 areas. Basis for performing SWW: agreement with the organization, №370-23-GZ dated 10/12/2023. Completion dates: 07/03/2023-12/31/2023. Contractors: employees of the Research Institute "Food Safety, doctoral student - Zhanbolat A.
  4. Responsible contractors: Azimova S.T. Commercialization of technology for processing fruit raw materials into long-term storage products with detoxifying properties. Completion dates: 2023-2025. State no. registration of RNNTD №16-G Amount of financing, thousand tenge: - the amount of 350,000.0 thousand tenge (including for 2023 - 87,500 thousand tenge, for 2024 - 210,000 thousand tenge, for 2025 - 52,500 thousand tenge).
  5. Response of the executor of the PCF Azimova S.T. on the project BR24993031 "Development of a technology for the preparation of healthy food products for the daily diet, enriched with natural antioxidants and biologically active substances" for 2024-2026.
  6. Head: Kazymurat A.T. GRANT FINANCING FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS ON THE PROJECT "ZHAS GALYM" .AP22686505 "Development of technology for functional instant drinks". Grant funding amount (for the entire duration of the project and by years, in thousands of tenge). Completion dates: 01.02.2024-31.12.2026.
  7. Manager: Serikkyzy M.S., Grant funding for research of young scientists on the project "Zhas Galym" for 2022-2024. Scientific consultants: Baibolova L.K., Balev D.K. "Digitalization of the traceability system of meat products to improve the quality of semi-smoked sausages during long-term storage" Amount of funding, thousands of tenge 18,542.3606 tenge.

Based on the results of research work in the direction of Technology Development, research into the quality and safety of processing food raw materials and food systems, master's theses and doctoral theses were defended: Kazhymurat A.T. (2022), Tyutebaeva K.E., Shalgimbayev D.A. (2023), Ibraimova S.E., Serikbaeva A.N., Belozertseva O.M., Kurmanbaeva I.N., Akhmet Zh.R., Uykasova Z.S.

The department is a member of Technical Committee № 67 Technologies and food products of new generation.

         For the reporting academic year, the period 2023-2024 academic year. g., the staff of the department published 83 works: including 49 articles (Scopus - 8, Scopus/Web of Science - 11, Web of Science – 1, KOKSNVO MNIVO RK - 8, in foreign publications, including RSCI - 20), 24 abstracts at conferences (abroad - 16, MNPK - 2, RNPK – 6, 2 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 8 copyright certificates, which is 9.2% more than in the previous 2022-2023 academic year (76 publications).


Students-winners at conferences, Olympiads in Kazakhstan and CIS countries

The name of the conference, competition, exhibition, scientific Olympiads, etc.



Full name of participants, course, group



VI International book publication of the Commonwealth of Independent States "Best young scientist-2023" BOBEK, Astana

Astana, RK

December, 2023

Tolegenova Aimira Muratkyzy

Diploma 2nd degree №168

International Scientific Research Competition "NEW SCIENCE" "Our Choice is Science"

Russia, Petrozavodsk



Azimova S.T.,

Participant: Artobolevsky T.V.

2nd degree diploma

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Food additives. Main safety levels"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Dautova A. Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

2nd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Processing of camel milk with ultrasound. General provisions"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Kasymzhanova Z.R.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Study of air pollution, soil, water bodies"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Koilybaeva A.S.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Processing of camel milk with ultrasound. General provisions"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Koilybaeva A.S.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Study of air pollution, soil, water bodies"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Koilybaeva A.S.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

1st place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Biological effect of ionizing radiation on the human body"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Narymbaeva A.M.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Processing of camel milk with ultrasound. General provisions"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Narymbaeva A.M.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Radionuclides. Technological methods of reducing radionuclides in"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Nurbekova Zh.M.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions


Scientific presentation "Processing of camel milk with ultrasound. General provisions"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Nurbekova Zh.M.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

1st place

International competition of presentations for students and pupils of educational institutions

Scientific presentation "Radionuclides. Technological methods of reducing radionuclides in"

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Nurbekova Zh.M.


Head: Zheldybaeva A.A.

3rd place




Startup projects. In the 2023-2024 academic year, students and undergraduates completed startup projects.


Name of topics «Start-Up ATU»


of the start-up team

Business partner

Completed work in the amount of


Development of consumer identification features for meat products

Uazhanova R.U., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tynystanova N.E., 4th year student

Alibi LLP

150 000


Creation of a reference model for managing a technological system and making decisions in the production of chilled semi-finished products

Iztelieva R.A., PhD, assoc.professor, Uzibekova A.K., 4th year student, Tokenova G., 1st year undergraduate

«Kargaly Foods» LLP

150 000


Improving the system of statistical methods in quality management of poultry production

Tattibaeva D.B., PhD, senior lecturer, Gaidyngali Z.T., 3rd year student

IE «Virtus group»

150 000


Development and safety research of marmalade with added dietary fiber

Zheldybaeva A. A., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assoc.professor, Alexander D., 2nd year student


150 000


Development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of internal training on an integrated safety and quality management system among employees of the food enterprise IP Virtus Group

Tungyshbaeva U.O., PhD, associate professor, Kydyrbay A.B., 1st year master’s student

IE «Virtus group»

250 000


Development of a Collagen-Containing Functional Food Drink and Safety Analysis

Kazhymurat A.T., senior lecturer, PhD, Nurakhmet D.B., 1st year master’s student

NPP Antigen LLP



Development of technology for obtaining plant pectin and analysis of detoxifying properties

Azimova S.T., PhD, associate professor, Sagimbaeva D.K., 1st year master's student

«Kazpectin» LLP

250 000


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