Teaching staff

Currently, the department consists of 30 teachers, including 3 Doctors of Sciences, 11 PhD (including 3 associate professors) and 5 Candidates of Sciences, 9 masters, 2 foreign scientists (ONAPT, Ukraine and the University of Santiago de Compostello, Spain),  5 senior lecturers, 3 assistants. Also this year, 4 practitioners have been involved in educational activities, who successfully combine educational and methodological and scientific work.

The Department was headed by candidate of economic Sciences, Professor Kurmangaliyev S.G., PhD., associate Professor Ibragimov L.M., PhD. Arystanova G.A., PhD. Nurmukhanbetov D.E.

From January 2009 to the present, the department is headed by a Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Professor Uazhanova Raushangul Ulangazievna.

Uazhanova Raushangul Ulangazievna is the winner of the Best University Teacher grant-2013 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2022 she was awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2023, a state scientific scholarship was awarded to scientists and specialists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology.

Uazhanova R.U. expert of scientific innovation projects (Russia), member of the dissertation council (PhD), chairman of the AC, member of the entrance examination committee for doctoral studies of the group of educational programs «Technology of Food Products», member of the dissertation council, author of more than 300 scientific papers, a number of inventions and teaching aids, is scientific supervisor of PhD doctoral students, of whom 6 PhD doctors, more than 35 masters of technical sciences of the educational program Standardization and Certification, Food Safety were defended under her supervision, is the scientific supervisor of PhD doctoral students.

She is a member of the council of the State Unitary Enterprise-University of the KarSTU named after A.Saginov in the direction of “Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)”.
Project Manager IRN AP23490268 "Development and experimental testing of radiation treatment to ensure the shelf life of agricultural and food products" MNiVO RK for the period 2024-2026, funding amount: 103,000,000 tenge.

Professor Ahmetzyanov N. N. in the General rating of NAAR 2020 is in the TOP 50, the owner of the badge for services in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005), diploma and prize of the III Republican contest of achievements in the field of invention Shapagat-2006, state grant the Best teacher of the University-2007, medal 10 years of Astana, actively cooperates in the field of training, development of biological drugs, according to the harmonization of national regulatory documents of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan on food safety with leading international organizations from the International center for agronomic research (CIRAD, France), the higher agricultural school of Montpellier (SupAgro, France), conducts training, transmits theoretical and practical skills in the field of production technology of biological and medicinal products, diagnostic tools, food safety issues, is the head of scientific works of students, undergraduates, doctoral students. Also Ahmetsadikov N.N. At the 15th award ceremony of the president of "Altyn Sapa" as the best domestic producer of Kazakhstan, the right to use the umbrella brand «Uly Dala Ely» was awarded the right to promote the country's brand in international markets.

PhD Doctor Tattibaeva D.B. (the holder of the Erasmus Mundus-2011 grant (Spain, (PhD) defended her doctoral dissertation in 2020 at the University of Santiago de Compostello, and was confirmed in her PhD degree.

PhD, Associate Professor Iztelieva R.A. (2020 Almaty Technological University, is holder of the grant «StartUp-ATU» LLP - «Kargaly Foods» (200 000 tenge) 2020. For scientific and educational results for the 2022-2023 academic year, she is among the TOP 10 best teachers of ATU. PhD, Associate Professor Serikkyzy is «The best teacher of the University-2020». The winner of the grant "Жас Ғалым- 2022" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professor, PhD Azimova S.T. was awarded a diploma and a gold medal for the creation of the innovative technology of "Batyr" whole grain bread enriched with pumpkin pectin Awarded with a diploma and a gold medal for the creation of innovative technology of pumpkin pectin extract. She is among the top 10 teachers of ATU for scientific and educational results in the academic year 2022-2023. Responsible executor in 2 projects:

  • Commercialization of technology for processing fruit raw materials into long-term storage products with detoxifying properties: 2023-2025. Amount of funding, thousand tenge: - 350,000.0 thousand tenge.
  •  project BR24993031 "Development of technology for the preparation of healthy food products for the daily diet, enriched with natural antioxidants and biologically active substances" for 2024-2026.

Associate Professor Zheldybaeva A.A. - Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Zheldybaeva A.A. developed 10 e-courses on the taught subjects, 45 CORs on 9 subjects, was awarded with the 2nd-class «Best e-course» diploma, has more than 65 scientific works, 5 of which belong to journals included in the Scopus database, CiteScore ) with a percentile index of at least 35 in one of the scientific fields, including food and processing industry and 12 scientific articles in publications recommended by the authorized body for food safety, with 4 educational materials recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of conducting scientific research in the field of agro-industrial complex Between 16.10.2023 and 05.01.2024, he completed a scientific internship at the Swiss School of the «Swiss School of Higher Education» University of the Swiss Confederation under the «500 Scientists» program. She was among the TOP 10 teachers of ATU for scientific and educational results in the academic year 2022-2023.

Associate professor Tungyshbaeva U.O. - has a PhD degree, Tungyshbaeva U.O.'s work experience is 10 years. In the last 5 years, more than 30 scientific works have been published, 8 scientific articles included in the Scopus database, 9 scientific articles in publications included in the KOKSON list of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 textbooks, with the Hirsha-3 index, technical journal No. 67 «Technology, quality and safety of food products» is the executive secretary of the committee, is a member of the council in the direction of «Standardization, certification and metrology (by branches)» of the Saginov KSTU MM, under the «Bolashak» program, «500 scientists» in order to conduct research in the field of agro-industrial complex, Swiss Higher Education School Switzerland Between 16.10.2023 and 01.05.2024, she completed a scientific internship at the University of the Confederation.

Mardar Marina Romikovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Odessa National Technological University, as well as honorary professor of ATU, member of the department, annually teaches master's and doctoral students and is the scientific supervisor of doctoral students.

In the last academic year 2020-2023, 85% of the graduate teachers worked in the staff of the department. According to the results of the professional rating of the teaching staff of the department, it takes 1-3 places. The teachers of the department provide scientific guidance and conduct classes with master's and doctoral students.

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