Educational programs

The Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” trains specialists in the following educational programs:


  • 6В05201 Ecology (learning paths: Environmental monitoring; Environmental management)
  • 6В07101 Chemical technology of organic substances (learning paths: Chemical Technology of Organic and Petrochemical Production; Chemical Technology of Polymer Production and Processing)
  • 6В07203 Pharmaceutical production technology (learning paths: Development and production of medicinal products; The quality and safety of medicinal products).


  • 7М07101 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, field of study: scientific and pedagogical (learning paths: Chemical Technology of Organic and Petrochemical Production; Chemical Technology of Polymer Production and Processing)
  • 7М07102 Environmental Protection Technology, field of study: scientific and pedagogical (learning paths: Industrial waste recycling technology; Resource-saving technologies and environmental protection)


  • 8D07101 Chemical technology of organic substances (learning paths: Chemical Technology of Organic and Petrochemical Production; Chemical Technology of Polymer Production and Processing)
  • 8D07102 Environmental Protection Technology (learning paths: Industrial waste recycling technology; Resource-saving technologies and environmental protection)

The mission of ATU in the field of professional training of competent and competitive specialists is aimed at strengthening the intellectual potential and practice-oriented activities of higher education, its integration with science and production, and bringing it in line with international educational standards.

All educational programs of the Department “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” have a high level of resource support for the implementation of the ATU mission, its goals and objectives: the availability of educational, scientific and socio-cultural potential, a competency-based approach to the development of student’s skills and abilities.

ATU has developed a system for evaluating the effectiveness of educational program goals with the participation of teaching staff, students, and employers. Currently, the employer is becoming the dominant customer and evaluator of the quality of education, is increasingly interacting with educational institutions, participates in the formation of the curriculum, and in assessing the quality of content and training of graduates. The University has a Board of guardians - a structure for ensuring modern requirements for the unity of science, education and production. Every year, a round table on the formation of a catalog of elective subjects is held with the participation of employers. The Department of youth policy supports the policy of ensuring the quality of educational programs, actively participating in the organization of education, everyday life, leisure, and social support for students.

Information and educational resources of the University are combined into an Information and software complex (ISC), which combines a number of mutually integrated platforms for implementing various processes. One of the main purposes of the IPC is informatization of educational activities. ISC databases contain information about students and their educational activities, starting from the moment of submitting documents to the admissions Committee, forming an order for enrollment and until passing the final certification, obtaining a diploma of education, and are posted on the platform

External stakeholders participate in the implementation of the quality assurance policy of educational programs through external evaluation procedures of bodies (certification, licensing), non – governmental and independent bodies (accreditation, rating), active interaction with organizations-bases of practices, involvement of employers in the development of educational programs, work in certification commissions. The University has a quality management system (QMS) that allows monitoring of educational services. Mechanisms for the functioning of the training quality assurance system established at the ATU include monitoring of educational programs; ensuring the competence of teachers; regular internal audit according to agreed criteria; and taking into account and analyzing the opinions of employers.

Training paths for all educational programs of the Department “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” are selected taking into account the development of the economy and the needs of the labor market at the regional and national levels.


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