Scientific activity

Scientific activities of the Department of «Social and Humanitarian Disciplines»

One of the main activities of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines is the research work of the teaching staff. The teachers of the department have publications in both homeland and foreign academy journals. They actively participate in international scientific and practical conferences, congresses, seminars and trainings both within the country and abroad, and take advanced training courses in various areas and industries. The scientific research of teachers contributes to a deeper assimilation of academic disciplines, and joint work with students allows sharing knowledge and experience, significantly increasing the intellectual level and worldview of students.

In 2023, the department completed work on the scientific initiative topic "Ethnodemographic and urbanization processes in Kazakhstan (1970-2020), headed by Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences Davletova G.A. Within the framework of the initiative topic, 34 scientific publications were developed and published, a collective work on the discipline "History of Kazakhstan" was published, the research results were introduced into the programs of the department's disciplines, numerous round tables and seminars were held. As a result of the introduction of this topic into the educational and extracurricular processes, students develop an understanding of the trends and factors of demographic processes taking place in the Soviet Union and in modern Kazakhstan; the personal potential of students, their desire for socially responsible behavior in the context of urbanization and internal migration, the ability to develop an active civic and professional position are developed and actualized.

The results of the obtained research are used in conducting lectures, practical, and educational classes with students, with the aim of familiarizing them with the demographic and urbanization policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, fostering demographic literacy and instilling national and family values. Now, under the supervision of PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department Shamshidenova F.M., initiative scientific project: "Forced collectivization and its impact on the ethno demographic development of Kazakhstan (20-30s of the 20th century)."

Under the guidance of the department's teachers, the research work of graduate and undergraduate students increases annually. Thus, in 2023, the teachers of the department (Ismailova R.B., Tukenova K.T., Malikov B., Ashimova Z.I., Zhumabaeva K.) together with graduate students published 56 articles. In 2024, university students, under the guidance of experienced teachers of the department, won prizes and were awarded diplomas for participating in international and national scientific conferences. At the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "World of Farabi", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of  Al-Farabi KazNU (April 4-6, 2024) students of Kenzhebekov Zeynep Bakytbekkyzy, Abibulla Altynay Serikkyzy, ATU 2nd year (scientific supervisor - Akhataeva G.B.) took 3rd place, also Turapbai Balnur, 1st year, FIiT, VTiPO-23 (supervisor - Shamshidenova F .Sh.) received 2nd place. Students of Kenzhebekova Z. Abibulla A. (supervisor B.B. Kiekenova) received a 3rd degree diploma. Students Abdumanapov Kuanysh, 1st year, IS 22-12, Shumakov Artur, 1st year, IS 22-12 (supervisor - Shamshidenova F.Sh.) took 3rd place at the Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Science. Education.t Youth", April 25, 2024 (section "Innovative technologies in education"). 2nd year students of the Institute of Food Science and Information Technologies Turgen Nurlybek (supervisor - Dosekeyeva K.A.), Bekova Aru (scientific adviser - Ismailova R.B.), took 2nd place at the Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Science. Education.t Youth", April 25, 2024 (section "Innovative technologies in education").

At the International scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Youth and Science: the Present and the Future", held in April 2024 at the Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, students Bondarev Kirill, 1st year, FIIT, RDiGB-23, Redko Afina, 1st year FIIT (in English) (supervisor - Shamshidenova F.Sh.) took 2nd place (supervisor - Shamshidenova F.M.).

Publishing activities

The publishing activities of the faculty have significantly intensified. In 2024, the faculty of the department published 4 textbooks, 3 articles in the Academy journals of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 11 presentations with reports, including 1 report at foreign scientific and practical conferences, 8 at international ones within the country, 2 at republican conferences.

The growth of the department's degree program (76.1% in 2024) was reflected in the increase in the level of research activities of the department.

Associate Professor of the Department F. Shamshidenova published an article "Environmental Consequences of Virgin and Fallow Lands Development in Kazakhstan" in the Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Conference "INTERAGROMASH 2022". V.2. pp. 2327–2337. Sweden. Scopus, 2023. In 2024, the faculty of the department published 4 textbooks approved by the Academic Council of the University: F. M. Shamshidenova - History of Kazakhstan, G. A. Davletova - Lecture Course on the History of Kazakhstan, Z. I. Ashimova - Lecture Course on Sociology and Political Science (in Russian), G.B. Akhataeva, K.T. Tukenova - Cultural studies. In general, these indicators indicate a qualitative improvement in the work of the SHD Department.


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