
The winner certificate was issued to the department of “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines” in the nomination “For the best joint event 2019” within the framework of the project “New humanitarian knowledge, 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language” for the active use and implementation of information and library resources in the educational process.

The teachers of the SRS department did a great job on MOOCs and were recognized by the university management as “The best electronic course of ATU - 2018”

Teachers of the department received certificates for participation in the Republican competition of video lessons and video lectures “Panorama of Pedagogical Ideas”.

Teachers of the department were awarded letters of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and diplomas from the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For great contribution to the development of the country’s higher education system and merits in the training of highly qualified specialists” BIZHANOVA M.A. awarded the title “BEST TEACHER” in the field of higher and postgraduate education.

Tukenova Kapiza Tukenovna was awarded a diploma for the popularization of national clothing at the “Great Day of the Nation - Nauryz” holiday, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the city of Astana as part of the “Future Orientation: Spiritual Revival” program. Rector of Almaty Technological University Kulazhanov T.K. Almaty, March 30, 2018

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Akhataeva K.B. as the winner of the VI Republican independent public competition, by decision of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the “Uzdik Ustaz” badge on 04/12/2018.

3rd year student Sarybekova Asem Kuanyshbekovna took 3rd place at the republican competition. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., associate professor Zakiryanov A.K.

The 2nd Degree Diploma is awarded to Dilnaz Usmanova, a student of the Almaty Technological University, for her speech at the sectional meeting of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Science. Education. Youth! with a report on the topic: “From the history of the formation of multi-ethnic Kazakhstan” Scientific supervisor: associate professor of the SRS Department Gulmira Amangeldievna Davletova. April 21, 2022

A solemn event dedicated to the Republic Day was held at the Almaty Technological University. At the event, for the enormous contribution to the development of higher education and scientific activities of our Republic, medals named after A. Baitursynov and certificates of honor from Rector T.K. Kulazhanov. The best scientists and professors of ATU were awarded. Also, diplomas and letters of gratitude from the Rector of ATU Kulazhanov T.K. University staff and teachers were recognized. Among them, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities Davletova Gulmira Amangeldievna was awarded a Certificate of Honor.

Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Gulmira Amangeldievna Davletova participated in 2023 among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities of the National Movement “Bobek” Association and was awarded a 2-degree diploma “BEST RESEARCH WORKER-2023”, badge.

From January 5 to 10, ATU held meetings between the university leadership and the teaching staff of all faculties. A ceremonial presentation of diplomas to ATU employees who take an active part in the career guidance work of our university also took place.

Among them are the senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Malikov Bakhytzhan Usenovich, with a diploma for active participation in professional activities in the regions, and the head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tukenova K.T. for the active promotion of the ATU brand on social networks, the rector of the university awarded him a diploma.


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