Department of Tourism and Service Maintenance

Head of the Department

Yermekbayeva Dinara

PhD, Associate Professor

Welcome to the page of the Department of Tourism and Service!

At our department, we strive to provide students with the highest standard of education so that they can become leaders in the rapidly growing and dynamic tourism and service industry. Our training programs combine theoretical foundations with practical skills so that students are ready for real work in this industry.
The process of providing educational services is led by the head of the department.

The mission of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in demand in the domestic and international labor market in the field of tourism, restaurant and hotel business, with high scientific potential, internationally competitive and meeting modern requirements, effectively owning advanced models of innovative education, as well as training competitive specialists in the field of services, ensuring the quality of students' education to meet the interests of the university, to provide each student and undergraduate with the opportunity to choose the content of their studies.

The purpose of the department is to improve the skills and personality of students in the field of tourism and services. Acquisition of knowledge, business and cultural skills

The main principles of the department's work:

  • ensuring compliance of higher education with European and national quality standards;
  • student practice-oriented approach;
  • involvement of practitioners, industry experts, and representatives of employers in classroom classes;
  • ensuring compliance with academic integrity;
  • free student access to the infrastructure and information resources necessary for learning;
  • organizational, informational, advisory and social support for students.

The department is one of the main educational and scientific departments of the University, a structural unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business.


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