Scientific activity

In the current 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of Design has 5 implementations of research results into the production process.

Item No.

Name of scientific development


Degree of implementation

For implemented – where implemented or used


Implementation of the diploma project "Development of a corporate identity for a jewelry workshop commissioned by Nurdos jewelery" 05.17.21

Aslanova S. (Nuriyakhmedova) Head

Bektiyarova D.S.


IP Nurdos Aliaskarov, jewelry workshop Nurdos jewelery


Implementation of the diploma project "KR Designer Odagynyn tapsyrysy boyynsha Kazakhstan Designer Odagy Ushіn site Azirleu"


Tultay A. Manager

Bektiyarova D.S.


ҚР Designer Odagynyn tapsyrysy boyynsha zhasalyp, koldanyska engіzildi


Introduction of a diploma project on the topic “Designing a collection of elegant ready-to-wear clothing in the Familylook style” commissioned by Asian Media Textile LLP, 05.05.2021

Korganbek A. Head Abilkalamova K.K.



Asian Media Textile LLP


Implementation of the diploma project of Uly Dalanyn Zheti Kyry: “Altyn Adam” Zergerlik brand takyrybyndagy graphicalyk design Onimderin Zhobalau

Rayimbekova G.,

Head of Baikenova Sh.M.


Act of implementation of the Balalar Adebieti LLP, the republican magazine "Balapan Bagy" No. 6 for 2021


Implementation of the diploma project "Balalar Adebieti" baspasynyn tapsyrysy boyynsha balalarga arnalgan baspalardy jobalau

Seitova A.,

head Baikenov Sh.M.


Act of implementation of the Balalar Adebieti LLP, the republican magazine "Balapan Bagy" No. 3 for 2021


Students of the specialty annually, under the guidance of the department’s teaching staff, take part in scientific and practical conferences and subject Olympiads. During the 2020-2021 academic year, students and/or together with teaching staff published 14 reports in the materials of international, republican, and regional conferences.

The results of the scientific and creative activities of the department’s teaching staff and students are:

  • participation in the annual Republican review competition of final works, which was held at the IOC (Kazakh Head Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering), supervisor A.M. Sabitova. graduate of Nurzhankyzy A.;
  • participation in the competition of young designers “New Generation-Open Way 2020”;
  • participation in the Republican scientific and practical conference “Dastur men madeniet – ultimate genetic codes”;
  • participation in a creative project (exhibition, fashion show, master class) of the ATU “Thoughts Out Loud” with the support of the Art Studio of the Aportmall shopping center.
  • The results of the scientific and creative activities of the teaching staff of the department and students are participation in various competitions, festivals, exhibitions: for the best scientific work of students in the natural, technical and humanities, etc.; 40 published works, including: 4 articles, 21 reports, 5 patents, 3 copyright certificates for graphic works, 1 textbook and 6 teaching aids. Students received 21 different diplomas, certificates, and medals at competitions.

The efficiency of publishing activities in the 2020-2021 academic year (40 published works) compared with the past 2019-2020 academic year (22 published works) increased by 82%.

The department also implements four innovative research topics:

  • Systematization and development of methods for designing workwear using the latest computer programs
  • Development of innovative wool sorting technology to achieve pure natural colors. State registration N 0115РК01499
  • Design concepts and design methods in clothing. State registration N 0116РК00049
  • Creation of a design concept for the project and image products for the company. State registration number 0116РК00374.
  • Since 2002, it has become a tradition to hold the annual International Competition of Young Designers and Fashion Designers “Zhas-Orken”, the organization and holding of which remains with the Faculty and the Department of Design.

Teachers and students of the “Design” department actively participate in online lectures and seminars, republican final work reviews and competitions, competitions for young designers, Republican and International scientific and practical conferences, the Republican annual competition of student research works in natural, technical, social and humanitarian fields. and economic sciences.

Publishing activities

The result of the scientific activity of teachers and students in the 2020-2021 academic year is 40 published works, of which: 4 articles, 21 reports, 5 patents, 3 copyright certificates, 1 textbook and 6 teaching aids.

Research work of teaching staff of the Department of Design is carried out within the framework of the following initiative research projects:

Title of research work: “Designing a creative design concept for aluminum foil packaging.”

Head: Doctor of Architecture Maulenova M.R.

Research performers: Senior Lecturer, Member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers Aldanaeva A.M., Lecturer, Member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers Aliyaskarova A.N., Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences Khamraev I.I.

Title of research work: “Research and development of youth clothing from innovative materials using computer modeling.”

Head: Ph.D., PhD doctor, associate, prof. Sartarova L.T.

Research performers: Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences Uteulieva M.O., Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences Doshibekova A.B., Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences Kenzhebaeva A.M., Lecturer, Master of Technical Sciences Zhumanazarova A.E., Lecturer, Master art history Iskalieva Sh.S., Doctoral student/graduate student/master student Saidakhmet A.D.

Title of research work: “Research of sustainable fashion concepts for designing an author’s clothing collection.”

Leader: Senior lecturer, PhD, member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers Abilkalamova K.K.

Performers of the research work: Associate Professor, Ph.D., member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers Sabitova A.M., Lecturer, Master of Art History Aitkulova B.D., Doctoral student/graduate student/master student Senbaeva N.Ә.

Innovative activities (scientific developments introduced into production and into the educational process for the period 2020-2021.

№ п/п

Наименование научной разработки


Степень внедрения

Где внедрена или используется


Внедрение дипломного проекта «Разработка фирменного стиля для ювелирной мастерской по заказу Nurdos jewellery» 17.05.21

Асланова С. (Нурияхмедова) Руководитель

Бектиярова Д.С.


ИП Нурдос Алиаскаров, ювелирная мастерская Nurdos jewellery


Внедрение дипломного проекта «Разработка сайта для Союза дизайнеров Казахстана по заказу Союза дизайнеров РК»


Тултай А. Руководитель

Бектиярова Д.С.


Разработан и введен в эксплуатацию по заказу Союза дизайнеров РК


Внедрение дипломного проекта по теме «Проектирование коллекции нарядной прет-а-порте одежды в стиле Family look» по заказу ТОО Asian Media Textile, 05.05.2021

Корганбек А. Руководитель Абилкаламова К.К.


ТОО Asian Media Textile


Внедрение дипломного проекта Семь граней Великой Степи: «Золотой человек» Проектирование продуктов графического дизайна по теме ювелирного бренда

Райымбекова Г.,

Руководитель Байкенова Ш.М.


Акт внедрения по ТОО «Балалар әдебиеті», республиканского журнала «Балапан бағы» №6 за 2021 год


Внедрение дипломного проекта – Проектирование изания для детей по заказу издательства  «Балалар әдебиеті»

Сейтова А.,

руководитель Байкенова Ш.М.


Акт внедрения по ТОО «Балалар әдебиеті», республиканского журнала «Балапан бағы» №3 за 2021 год


Учебник «Конструктивное моделирование швейных изделий» на казахском языке объемом 10 п.л.

Сарттарова Л.Т.



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебник «Телевизионное пространство-объект дизайна» на казахском языке объемом 10 п.л.

Литвина Т.В., Сарттарова Л.Т., Хамраев И.С



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебное пособие «Основные принципы художественного оформления книжных изданий» на русском языке объемом 9,7 п.л.

Байкенова Ш.



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебное пособие «Практикум по EXPO-дизайну» на русском языке объемом 10 п.л.

Бектиярова Д.С.



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебное пособие «Основы дизайна экспозиции» на казахском языке объемом 9,7 п.л.

Байкенова Ш., Тогабаева Г., Алиаскарова А.Н.



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебное пособие «Основные принципы художественного оформления книжных изданий» на казахском языке объемом 9,7 п.л.

Байкенова Ш. Тогабаева Г



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №3 от 15.01.2021 (документолог -№ -УМУ-03/215 от 25.01.2021)


Учебное пособие «Проектирование костюма» 8,3 п.л.

Сабитова А.М., Абилкаламова К.К.



ВЫПИСКА из протокола заседания научно-методического совета №7 от 14.04.2021 (документолог № -УМУ-03/1699 от 23.04.2021)

April 12, 2021 in the competition “START-UP ATU-2021” with the project “Psychology of the impact of comics on children’s perception of book text” Lecturer, Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Kazakhstan Union of Designers, member of the Association of Book Publishers, member of the Union of Artists of the AIK RK Baikenova Sh. M. (Leader) and Bozzhigitova Zh. (3rd year student of group GD 17-22) won 150,000 tenge. from Balalar Adebieti LLP.

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