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6B02 Arts and Humanities

Code and classification of the field of education

6B021 Arts

Code and classification of training areas

B031 Fashion design

Group of educational programs

EP purpose

Training of highly qualified personnel with higher education in the field of fashion design and graphic design with deep professional competencies, competitive in the international space.

Generated learning outcomes

Advertising design, printing design, graphic language and visual culture, design art and photography, fashion design.

Design and engineering (under the guidance of a specialist designer): includes the development of concepts, projects, layouts, models of new objects ensembles, products and products;

Organizational and managerial: provides mastery of professional computer programs in the field of organization and management of project activities; study of forms, principles and strategies of entrepreneurial and financial activities in a competitive and business environment.

Designing of clothing, products and their complexes intended for mass production, small-scale items and products, modeling of everyday and special clothing, ensembles of sewing products, accessories, textiles, theatrical costume.

– Graphic symbols, trademarks, corporate styles, visual communication systems, illustrations, book design, packaging, advertising, social advertising, advertising for electronic and print media, outdoor advertising, transit advertising, illustrations.

Номер лицензии на направление подготовки

№ АБ0137401 от 03.02.2010 г. Приказ МОН РК № 299 от 28.03.2019