8D07203 Food safety

8D07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries (Field of education)
8D072 Manufacturing and processing industries (Direction of training)
D111 Food production(Group of educational programs)

Training of highly qualified, competitive personnel that meets modern demands of science, education, management and production;  with comprehensive knowledge in the field of food safety and related disciplines, capable of independently  synthesizing and integrating  innovative knowledge to solve scientific and industrial problems in the field of food safety.

Formable learning outcomes

  • possesses research skills and methods, improves and develops intellectual and analytical abilities, creates a culture of scientific thinking

  • carries out educational activities to train qualified personnel in order to promote in the academic and professional context the technological, social and cultural development of society, based on knowledge

  • demonstrates a systematic understanding of food safety, knowledge of verification, method development, monitoring procedures, measurement, audit

  • critically evaluates the safe level of foreign substances in products, solves the problem of protecting the production process from dangerous and harmful factors

  • Demonstrates the ability to think, design and develop a food safety system, is able to implement new methods for identifying hazards and adapt the research process with a scientific approach

  • critically analyzes the identification of hazards during veterinary and sanitary examination of raw materials using independent scientific assessment

  • using the latest achievements of science, domestic and foreign practice, contributes its own original research in the field of food safety, which deserves publication at the national or international level

  • introduces innovative technologies for food safety, carrying out qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis at food and processing enterprises, communicates its knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public

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