8D04102 Management

8D04 Business, management and law (Field of education)
8D041 Business and Management(Direction of training)
D072 Management and Administration (Educational Programs Group)

Taking into account the development prospects of the country and the region, training of highly qualified senior management personnel with professional and scientific competencies and the skills to implement them in the development and adoption of management decisions.

Formable learning outcomes

  • applies scientific and professional communication technologies related to analytical textual activity, critical assessment of information and the use of digital technologies

  • demonstrates knowledge about scientific schools, their theoretical and practical developments, as well as scientific concepts of world and Kazakhstani science in the field of economics and management

  • makes judgments about modern directions and patterns of development of domestic science in the conditions of globalization and internationalization

  • able to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into the research process, contribute through original research, expand the scope of existing knowledge in the field of management, reflect it in national and international peer-reviewed publications

  • conducts research, development, implementation of the latest theories and practice in a turbulent business environment, leading to the acquisition of new knowledge and new solutions in the management field, communicating its knowledge and achievements colleagues, the scientific community and the general public

  • able to critically evaluate and effectively integrate modern theories, practices and management approaches to solve fundamental and applied issues of organizational management

  • conducts analysis, evaluation and implementation of innovative results in the field of strategic management in order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, technological and social development of the industry and society

  • able to model and predict organizational development scenarios and develop the most effective management decisions

  • carries out teaching activities, designing educational programs, adapting and developing teaching technologies

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