7M07502 Metrology

7М07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries(Field of education)
7M075 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) (Direction of training)
M130 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)(Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified personnel with in-depth, systematic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in professional, research and teaching training in the field of metrological support of technological processes and production

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Possesses a foreign language in various fields of scientific activity, is capable and ready for practical analysis of the logic of various types of reasoning, has the skills of public speaking, argumentation, and conducts discussions and polemics;

  • Designs and carries out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science;

  • Carries out teaching activities in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions, applies innovative technology and the results of research activities in the field of metrology;

  • Able to develop work plans and programs for scientific research and technical development using algorithms and mathematical models in the field of metrology and technical regulation;

  • Capable of organizational and managerial activities in the field of metrological examination, certification of methods for performing measurements, testing and control of MVI, collects and interprets information to form judgments taking into account social , ethical and scientific considerations;

  • Applies at a professional level knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems of reliability of measurement processes, certification of test equipment in production, in a broader interdisciplinary context using software and digital technology ;

  • Organizes the work of diagnosing technical objects during design activities at a professional level, applies knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems of design and technological support of production in a broader interdisciplinary context, has skills application of software and digital technology;

  • Conducts research, interprets research data to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of uniformity of measurements and mastering methods for monitoring measurement processes, prepares enterprise reports, develops technical regulatory documents in the field metrology;

  • Able to process test results for subsequent use of knowledge in solving organizational, methodological and technical issues of metrology, methods for monitoring measurement processes, diagnostics and technical objects, development of technical regulatory documents. Develops a target program scientifically – research and innovation activities.

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