7М07206 Safety of non-food goods and products

7М07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries(Field of education)
7М072 Manufacturing and manufacturing industries(Group of educational programs)
M114 Textiles: clothing, footwear and leather goods (Educational program)

OP goal:

Training of highly qualified competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of assessment and safety of goods and products of light industry in accordance with the requirements of the republican and international labor markets.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Able to analyze and evaluate philosophical problems when solving social and professional problems, have high, stable motivation to perform professional activities;

  • Able to use modern communication technologies in a foreign language for professional interaction;

  • Applies knowledge of the fundamentals of higher education pedagogy and vocational education in the implementation of educational policy objectives;

  • Able to manage the quality of non-food products to ensure the reliability of production processes;

  • Able to select effective and safe technical means and technologies for the manufacture of textile products;

  • Knows methods of analyzing certification tests of parameters and characteristics of textile products;

  • Knows the theoretical foundations of product quality management in accordance with national and international standards, quality management methodology and qualimetry;

  • Adopts technical solutions to improve the safety and environmental friendliness of production activities;

  • Able to develop innovative technologies for the production of light industry products;

  • Knows methods of planning, organizing and conducting scientific research, methods of storing, processing, transmitting and protecting information;

  • Applies knowledge of methodology and methods of experimental research in scientific activities and to create quality products.

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