7М06131 Information systems

7М06 Information and communication technologies (Field of education)
7М061 Information and communication technologies(Direction of training)
M094 Information Technology(Group of Educational Programs)

OP goal:

Preparation of highly qualified masters in the field of modern information technologies with skills in management, organization, design, development and mastery of information and communication systems

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Able to improve and develop intellectual and analytical abilities, use literary, business written and oral speech in a foreign language.

  • Leads the team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences

  • Knows modern standards and methods, development of regulations for organizing the management of life cycle processes of enterprise IT infrastructure.

  • Able to formulate, present and solve specific programming problems in terms of the theory of computational processes and structures, and competently use the language of the theory of computational processes and structures.

  • Has fundamental knowledge in the field of systems analysis, optimization, management, decision making and information processing in relation to complex systems necessary for solving research problems.

  • Knows modern standards and methods, development of regulations for organizing the management of life cycle processes of enterprise IT infrastructure.

  • Has knowledge of technologies for applying mathematical methods and practical skills in neural network processing of large volumes of spatio-temporal data.

  • Able to implement and justify the choice of design solutions by type of information systems support to solve specific problems related to programming.

  • Provides well-reasoned results of scientific and experimental research, knows how to use the obtained data in problems of managing high-tech processes.

  • Able to use theoretical knowledge to develop and study process identification models using various software tools and methods

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