7M05161 Biotechnology

7М05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics (Field of education)
7М051 Biological related sciences(Direction of training)
M082 Biotechnology(Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Preparation of highly qualified, competitive personnel for leading branches of biotechnological production, professionally proficient in research methods of biotechnology, and successfully carrying out management activities in various branches of biotechnology.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Capable of written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages

  • Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the processes used in the field of management and management psychology

  • Integrates knowledge gained within different disciplines, uses it to solve analytical and management problems in new unfamiliar conditions.

  • Apply the complex of acquired knowledge and skills in biotechnological production management.

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the specifics of biotechnological processes, scientific principles of their implementation, modern methods and methods for selecting highly productive strains of microorganisms

  • Analyzes and applies modern biotechnological methods to solve complex engineering problems in the processing of raw materials of plant and animal origin

  • Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to conduct experiments using modern biotechnological methods, solve theoretical and practical problems in various branches of biotechnology.

  • Presents information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions clearly and accessible using scientific and professional terminology in the field of biotechnology

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