7М04163 State and local government

7М04 Business, management and law (Field of education)
7M041 Business and Management (Direction of training)
M071 State and local government (Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified personnel in the field of public administration and public service with professional knowledge, management skills and competencies for the effective implementation of public policy

Formed learning outcomes:

  • Capable of written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages

  • Demonstrates the ability to apply psychological knowledge to problem solving and effective management in modern organizations

  • Collects, analyzes and interprets relevant information for the development and evaluation of government programs and projects, taking into account social, ethical, scientific considerations

  • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the field of organizing and improving management activities aimed at the practical implementation of anti-corruption and anti-crisis decisions of the state

  • Takes part in the development of innovative projects, regional development strategies and human resources, using effective management technologies in her professional activities

  • Demonstrates developing knowledge and understanding in the field of organizing, conducting and improving management activities

  • Collects and interprets information to implement the main directions of state administrative policy, solves social policy problems

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