7M04161 Economics

7М04 Business, management and law (Field of education)
7M041 Business and Management (Direction of training)
M070 Economics (Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, entrepreneurship and business, with a high level of readiness to implement basic professional functions, to develop and implement solutions at all levels of economic relations.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Capable of written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages

  • Demonstrates the ability to apply psychological knowledge to problem solving and effective management in modern organizations

  • Analyzes the initial data necessary to calculate economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of food production enterprises

  • Analyzes the activities of economic entities, selects the necessary forms of organizing production, makes management decisions, builds and uses models to describe and predict processes, phenomena, situations, while implementing them qualitative, quantitative analysis and synthesis

  • Creates models of business behavior in conditions of uncertainty, risk and develops recommendations for managing risks and innovation

  • Knows methods of economic and strategic analysis of the behavior of economic agents and markets in the global environment

  • Plans and evaluates the need for resources, their use in solving problems of an economic and organizational nature in conditions of uncertainty and risk

  • Processes large amounts of information, statistical and reporting data, various sources, interprets research data to solve scientific and practical problems

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