7М04103 State and local government

7М04 Business, management and law (Field of education)
7M041 Business and Management (Direction of training)
M071 State and local government (Group of educational programs)

OP goal:

Training of competitive specialists in the field of social and economic policy of the state, economics and management, with skills in organizing public service based on scientific principles and management methods, in accordance with current legislation and norms of behavior.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • demonstrates developing knowledge of the scientific worldview, history and philosophy of science;

  • capable of communication to solve professional problems of interpersonal/intercultural interaction in one of the foreign languages, motivated to communicate with a professional audience and with non-specialists;

  • leads the team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethical, religious and cultural differences;

  • applies knowledge of the methodological foundations of higher education pedagogy and professional education in educational activities;

  • applies methods of scientific research and calculations, modern innovative technologies to determine social, technical and economic indicators of the effectiveness of management activities in a globalized economy;

  • collects, analyzes and interprets relevant information for the development and evaluation of government programs and projects, taking into account social, ethical, scientific considerations;

  • demonstrates knowledge and understanding in the field of organizing and improving management activities aimed at the practical implementation of anti-corruption and anti-crisis decisions of the state;

  • takes part in the development of innovative projects, regional development strategies and human resources, using effective management technologies in her professional activities;

  • makes management decisions on issues of regional development, public-private partnerships and the real sector of the economy in non-standard situations, bears corporate and ethical responsibility.

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