7М04102 Management

7М04 Business, management and law(Field of education)
7M041 Business and Management (Direction of training)
M072 Management and Administration (Educational Program Group)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified, competitive specialists who are able to apply and critically analyze acquired knowledge when solving management problems, and successfully carry out teaching, research and management activities.

Formable learning outcomes:

  • demonstrates developing knowledge of the scientific worldview, history and philosophy of science;

  • capable of communication to solve professional problems of interpersonal/intercultural interaction in one of the foreign languages, motivated to communicate with a professional audience and with non-specialists;

  • leads the team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethical, religious and cultural differences;

  • applies knowledge of the methodological foundations of higher education pedagogy and professional education in educational activities;

  • applies research methodology and methods to solve scientific and practical problems;

  • collects, processes, analyzes, interprets information from the internal and external environment by using strategic analysis tools and information technology methods to develop a business development strategy in conditions of uncertainty and risk with taking into account ethical business standards;

  • develops recommendations in the field of organizing production, planning and controlling production and management activities using information technology and communicates problems and solutions to a wide audience;

  • develops non-standard, innovative solutions to ensure sustainable business development and independent continuation of further education in the field of management;

  • develops and implements innovative projects, strategic plans, using methods and models for making management decisions.

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