Industrial Robotics

Educational program code
В064 – Mechanics and metalworking

Training period
4 years

Cost of education
800,000 tenge

Profile items
Mathematics and physics


The educational program “Industrial Robotics” is one of the most relevant and modern professions. Especially in the age of continuous development of technology, the science of our country needs creative, intelligent and purposeful individuals with interesting ideas.

By choosing the educational program “Industrial Robotics”, you will not be bored, since the road to knowledge will be exciting, where only new opportunities will open up for you.

What knowledge will I get at the university?

  • The student will take an active part in the research work of the university
  • Master the organization and execution of works on the creation, installation, commissioning, technical engineering industries
  • Learn to distinguish the structure of technical systems for analysis, generalization of information when choosing the optimal kinematic scheme of the robot, type of drive, control system

Who will I work for
after graduation?

  • An electronic equipment maintenance engineer
  • A teacher at universities in the field of robotics, programming
  • The developer of systems of prudent measures for robots
  • A robotics programmer
  • Designer of engineering graphics

Where will I work for
after graduation?

  • Roboticists work in the design bureaus of aviation and astronautics
  • In research centers of various fields: medicine, space, oil production and so on
  • In companies specializing in robotics
  • In machine-building plants
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