
Kulazhanov Kuralbek Sadibaevich

President of Almaty Technological University

Graduated from the Kazakh State University. S.M. Kirov in 1967 with a degree in Chemistry, organic catalysis. Having worked as an intern – researcher at the Department of Catalysis and Technical Chemistry, in 1969 he entered and in 1972 completed his postgraduate studies with the defense of a dissertation and the award of the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences.

In 1972-1980. Kulazhanov K.S. works as the head of the chemical research laboratory, and then – the head of the operational materials and chemical research department of the Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Motor Transport. In 1980-1994, he worked in the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry (DTILPP) in the following positions: head of the research sector; deputy director of the branch for scientific work; Head of the Department “Analytical, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry”; Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Bakery Technology and Knitwear Production; deputy director of the branch for educational work and since 1994 director of the branch of DTILPP. In 1996 he is appointed rector of the Almaty Technological Institute, established on the basis of the Almaty branch of DTILPP. Since 1999 – Rector, since 2014 President of the Almaty Technological University.

Kulazhanov K.S. – Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1995), Professor (1996), Honorary Professor of the Moscow State Academy of Food Production and Andong National University (South Korea), Academician of the International Engineering Academy of Sciences and the National Engineering Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and the National Academy Sciences of Higher School of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Under the authorship of Kulazhanov K.S. published 495 scientific papers, including 29 textbooks and teaching aids, 5 monographs, 54 copyright certificates and patents, prepared 7 doctors of science and 10 candidates of science. The largest publications of K.S. Kulazhanov are: a textbook for universities “Analytical Chemistry” (in Kazakh) republished three times in two volumes, as well as “Physical and colloidal chemistry” – a textbook for universities; “Bioorganic Chemistry” – a textbook for universities in the Kazakh language; “Development of oil refining processes” – a textbook for universities in the Kazakh language and others.

Kulazhanov K.S. is an active organizer of science and higher technical education, makes increased demands on the organization of the educational process and research work, sets and solves the problems of integrating science with the learning process, takes measures to bring research to priority areas of the international level. Under the leadership of Kulazhanov K.S. a powerful material and technical base is being created at the university, ties with the production of academic and applied science are being strengthened, the quality of professors and teachers, library and information provision of scientific and educational activities, and the provision of scientific and educational laboratories with modern instruments and equipment are improving from year to year.

The merits of Kuralbek Kulazhanov in domestic science and higher education were awarded with state awards and honorary titles of the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely: the Order of “Kurmet”, the Honorary title “Kazakhstannyn enbek sinirgen kairatkeri”, the badge “Excellence in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the honorary badge “Madeniet kairatkeri” , Anniversary medals: “Kazakhstan Constitutionyasyna-10 zhyl”, “10 and 20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Bilim zhane gylym қyzmetkerlerinіn kasipodagyna sinirgen enbegi ushіn”.


Kulazhanov Talgat Kuralbekovich

Rector of Almaty Technological University

KULAZHANOV Talgat Kuralbekovich (04/22/1967, Almaty) – Doctor of Technical Sciences (2005), Professor (2007), Academician of the International Aviation Institute (Moscow, 2011), Academician of the NIA RK (2012), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012) , Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020).

Graduated from the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, engineer-technologist (1991). Director of the Agat Restaurant (1991–1995), Director of Yernur LLP (1995–1997), Vice-Rector of the Almaty University of Technology and Business (1997–2001). Chairman of the Board of Almaty Technological University (ATU) (2001-2002), Chairman of the Board of Directors of ATU (2002-2007), President of ATU (2007-2014), Rector of ATU (since 2014).

The main directions of scientific research: scientific activity in the field of solving the problems of the food industry and investment management. Conducts a lot of work in the republican educational and methodological section in the specialties of food technology on improving and preparing educational and methodological documentation, organizing credit technology of education, improving the system and structure of training specialists with higher education.

Author of 203 scientific works, including 55 monographs and textbooks, 32 patents, 114 scientific articles and conference materials. He is the owner of the state grant “The best teacher of the university” (2007). Co-head of scientific research on International grants and projects for the preparation of masters and PhDs within the framework of the TEMPUS program, together with a number of universities from the UK, the Netherlands, South Korea and Russia, takes part in research projects through the ISTC.

Awarded with orders: “Glory of Kazakhstan” (2013), “Star of Glory. Economy of Kazakhstan” (2014), “Kurmet” (2016), A. Baitursynov “For outstanding contribution to the development of the education and science system of Kazakhstan and outstanding work in the training of highly qualified specialists” (2019); badges: “For special services to MGUPP” (in honor of the 80th anniversary of MGUPP, Moscow, 2010), “M. Auezov atyndagy Ontustik Kazakhstan memlekettik university” (in honor of the 70th anniversary of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 2013), “Kazakhstan Constitutionyasyna 20 zhyl” (2015), “Honorary citizen of the countries of the customs union” (2015), “Bilim beru іzқmetіkіnіn “(2016), “Sala қyzmetkerlerinіn kasipodaghyna sinirgen airyқsha enbegi ushіn” (2017), “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2017), “Kurmet diplomas” (MES RK, 2015); medals: 9 gold medals of the Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn” (Moscow, 2009–2016), 12 Gold medals of the International Exhibition “Dairy and Meat Industry” (Moscow, 2009–2015), gold medal of V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP of the Russian Agricultural Academy (Moscow, 2012), gold medal of the International Kazakh Creative Association “Beybіtshіlіk alemі” ((Planet of the World-World of Peace) International Kazakh Creative Assosiation (2015), silver medal of GNU VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov of the Russian Agricultural Academy (Moscow, 214); foreign awards: Award (medal ) Chaptal, (Paris, France, 2005), diploma of an academician of the International Academy of Technology Development (IATE, Germany, 2007), certificate “Full Member of the Club of Rectors of Europe” (Vienna, 2008), diploma “Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna” (Vienna, 2008), certificate of successful participation in the English language training program (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009), certificate of completion of the course of the 1st International Congress on Food Technologies (Turkey, 2010), certificate of the International Conference “Eurasian Forum of Higher Education Leaders” (2013), certificate Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany (2013), certificate of the International Academy of Business (2014), certificate of the Oxford Academic Union (UK, 2015); letters of thanks: from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. (2015), Chairman of the Nur Otan party Yesimov A. (2015), Akim of the city of Almaty Yesimov A. (2015), Chairman of the Nur Otan party Nazarbayev N.A. (2015), Rector of the Tyumen GosNeftU O.A. Novoselov (Russia, 2016), President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (2019).


Baurzhan Nurakhmetov

First Vice-Rector

Phone: +7 (727) 293-52-95

Born on January 1, 1967 in the village of Karlygash of the Andreevsky district of the former Taldy-Kurgan region. In 1984 he graduated from the Furmanov secondary school with a silver medal. In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Kazakh State University. Al-Farabi, after which he worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. In 1993, he completed full-time postgraduate studies at the Kazakh State University named after M. Al-Farabi with the defense of his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty “Theory of mechanisms and machines”. 1994-2000 – scientific, senior, chief researcher of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1999 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty “Theory of mechanisms and machines”. 2000-2002 – Head of the Department of Engineering Graphics and Applied Mechanics, Almaty Technological University. 2002-2010 – Director of the Department of Science and Postgraduate Education of the Kazakh-British Technical University. 2010-2011 – Head of the Department of Science and Postgraduate Education, 2011-2013. – Vice-Rector for educational and methodological work, since 2013 – First Vice-Rector of the Almaty Technological University.

Nurakhmetov B.K. published more than 100 scientific papers, incl. 6 monographs, 2 manuals, has 15 copyright certificates and patents. Three times awarded the State Scientific Scholarship for talented young scientists. Awarded with the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2013); medal “For Merits and Achievements” of the National Business Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014); Honorary diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011). Holder of the Certificate of completion of the course “Higher School Management” (2011); Certificate of completion of the Summer School on the theme “Bolon үderіsi negіzgі өlshemderіninің Қазақstan жоғары оқу оқыndaryna beyіmdeluі” (2012); Certificate of completion of training at the seminar: “Strategy for managing a modern university” (2012); Certificate of Participation in the International Conference of KIMEP University (2012).

2000-2005 – Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2000-2003 – Member of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2002-2003 – Member of the National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership, five Ph.D. theses were defended.


Baybolova Lyazzat Kemerbekovna

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

In 1989 she graduated from the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry with a degree in Technology, Organization and Maintenance of Public Catering Enterprises. In ATU since 1994 – teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor. In 1998 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Development of technology for stuffed horse meat products using protein enrichers.” 2000-2004 – Vice-rector for educational work of ATU. In 2007 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Scientific and practical foundations for the production of whole-cut and combined meat products.” 2008, 2010-2012 – Director of the Technological and Economic College of ATU. 2012-2013 – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, 2013-2014. – Head of the Department of MAPP, 2014-2016 – Dean of the Faculty “Engineering and Information Technologies”, 2016-2019. – Dean of the Faculty of Food Production.

Since 2019 – Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of the ATU. Baibolova L.K. published more than 250 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 3 textbooks, has 11 copyright certificates and patents. She was awarded the State Scientific Scholarship for talented young scientists. Awarded with the badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2013); medal “For Merit in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2017). Winner of the title “Best University Teacher” (2016). Under her leadership, two candidate and 1 doctoral (PhD) dissertations were defended.


Batholdin Kaltai Seitkazhinovich

Vice-rector for educational work



Aliyev Bakhodir Azimjonovich

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation

Born on January 24, 1972 in the city of Samarkand, Uzbek SSR. In 1994 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Samarkand State University. A.Navoi majoring in theoretical physics.

In 1996, he entered graduate school at the Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, Kazakh State University named after. al-Farabi. After graduating from graduate school, he was hired as a senior lecturer at Kazakh State University. al-Farabi. In 2000 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Processes of accumulation of radiation point defects in finely dispersed metallic media.”

From March 2000 to December 2005 he worked as Deputy Dean for educational and educational work. From 2005 to 2008 he was in charge of the laboratory of the linear accelerator of the Faculty of Physics of KazNU. From 2008 to June 2010 he headed the Department of Solid State Physics of the Faculty of Physics of KazNU. From 2010 to June 2012 he worked as the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of KazNU. In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis in condensed matter physics on the topic “Kinetics of accumulation of radiation defects in dispersed metallic media and polymers.” Since July 2013, he has been appointed the first vice-rector of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University. From 2017 to 2021 served as the head of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering and Vice-Rector for UMR ATU.

Winner of the scholarship of talented young scientists in 2001-2003, the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the university” in 2012 and was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The area of scientific interests is solid state physics, radiation physics, the study of the structure of nanosized metal powders. Aliev B.A. is the author of more than 100 scientific publications in Republican and International publications. He took part in conferences and internships in Germany, Turkey and Singapore.


Erdinbekov Bolat Sadykovich

Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs


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