Collegial bodies

Academic council

Kulazhanov Talgat Kuralbekovich
Corresponding Member of the NAS RK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Rector of JSC «Almaty Technological University», Chairman of the Academic Council
Kulazhanov Kuralbek Sadibayevich
Academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
President of JSC «Almaty Technological University»
Nurakhmetov Baurzhan Kumargalievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
First Vice-rector, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council
Aliyev Bakhodir Azimdzhonovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent
Vice-rector of Science and Innovations
Baybolova Lyazzat Kemerbekovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Bisalieva Dilyara Magzumovna
Vice-rector of Educational Work
Erdinbekov Bolat Sadykovich
Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs
Board of guardians
The ATU successfully operates the Board of Trustees, which takes an active part in the development of the university’s strategy aimed at improving the level of educational services, participates in the organization of control over the implementation of educational programs, makes recommendations on optimizing the management of the educational process, production practice and the organization of dual education in enterprises, members of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees at the Almaty Technological University was created one of the first in the republic in 2005. Members of the Board of Trustees are heads of major food and light industry enterprises and industry unions. These are the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants, the Union of Food Enterprises of Kazakhstan, the Association of Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rakhat JSC, Almaty Yeast Plant JSC, Efes Kazakhstan AF, Karlsberg Kazakhstan JSC, LLP Becker & K, KazSPO-N LLP, Balalar Udebietі Publishing House, SKF RSE KazInMetr, Kazakhstan Hotel and others.

Work plan of the Academic Council

Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2020-2021 academic year – VIEW (PDF)
Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2019-2020 academic year – VIEW (PDF)
Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2018-2019 academic year – VIEW (PDF)
Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2017-2018 academic year – VIEW (PDF)
Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2016-2017 academic year – VIEW (PDF)
Work plan of the academic Council of Almaty technological University for 2015-2016 academic year – VIEW (PDF)

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