Department for the Development of Trilingual Education

The purpose of DDTE

The introduction of trilingual education into the educational process, which will provide ATU graduates with additional prospects for intellectual, professional and career growth.

  • Organization of the educational process within the framework of the implementation of trilingual education and controls.

  • Development of regulatory documents on the implementation of trilingual education.
  • Organization of work on the development of plans for a phased transition to trilingual education.
  • Organization of the work of departments to develop plans to improve the language competence of teaching staff.
  • Organization and conduct of language courses (Kazakh, Russian, English) for students, staff and teaching staff.
  • Organization and conduct of an examination for teaching staff to determine the level of English language proficiency
  • Conducting and analyzing questionnaires for students of English language courses
  • Conducting and analyzing the questionnaire "Satisfaction of students with trilingual education"
  • Organization of the examination of textbooks, educational and methodological developments, educational and methodological manuals for groups of OP supervised by EMA-PMG JSC "ATU"
  • Monitoring of the implementation of the indicators of the individual (indicative) plan of the teaching staff
  • Monitoring the availability and quality of EMCD in English teaching staff in StudySpace
  • Preparation of an order on the additional payment of teaching staff for conducting classes in English in non-linguistic disciplines of the curricula of higher and postgraduate education
  • Participation in the formation of competitive applications for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the institutional accreditation of JSC "ATU" and specialized accreditation of the Bachelor's degree program
  • Organization of the educational process within the framework of the implementation of trilingual education.
  • Development of regulatory documents on the implementation of trilingual education.
  • Organization and conduct of language courses (Kazakh, Russian, English) for students, staff and teaching staff
  • Organization and conduct of an exam for teaching staff to determine the level of English language proficiency
  • Conducting and analyzing questionnaires for students of English language courses
  • Conducting and analyzing the questionnaire "Satisfaction of students with trilingual education".
  • Organization of the examination of textbooks, educational and methodological developments, teaching aids for groups of EP supervised by the EMA-PMG JSC "ATU".
  • Monitoring of the implementation of the indicators of the EMW of the individual (indicative) plan of the TS
  • Monitoring the availability and quality of EMCD in English teaching staff in Study Space
  • Preparation of an order on the additional payment of teaching staff for conducting classes in English in non-linguistic disciplines of the curricula of higher and postgraduate education
  • Ensuring timely execution of the RLA of the MSHE RK, the Rector, decisions of the SC of JSC "ATU"., orders and orders of the Vice-rector on the implementation of trilingual education
  • Formation, updating and approval of plans for a phased transition to trilingual education.
  • Formation, updating and approval of plans to improve the language competence of teaching staff
  • Organization of advanced training courses and seminars for teaching staff conducting classes in English
  • Analysis of the implementation of the plan for improving the language competence of teaching staff of departments, monitoring the provision of teachers with English-speaking teachers
  • Maintaining documented information on all issues related to the educational process, preparing reports on educational issues
  • Tracking and updating information on the website of JSC "ATU".
  • Preparation of the annual report on the section "QMS functioning" and "Management analysis" on processes coordinated by the EMM
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the Academic Council, the Rector's Office and the SMC
  • Participation in the formation of competitive applications for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for participation in the rating of RLA "Atameken" and other agencies
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the institutional accreditation of JSC "ATU" and specialized accreditation of the Bachelor's degree program
  • To carry out the orders of the head and deputy head of the EMM within the framework of the functions of the EMM​​


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