Methodical department

Purpose of the MD

Planning, organization and monitoring of educational and methodological work in JSC «ATU»

  • Carrying out activities to generalize and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience.
  • Monitoring the provision of the educational process with educational literature and scientific and methodological methodological developments.
  • Development and implementation of educational and methodological and scientific and methodological documentation on new learning technologies, including credit technology.
  • Development and implementation of didactic-methodical, educational and material meanslearning.
  • Organization of examination of textbooks, educational, teaching aids.
  • Submission of proposals for the improvement of regulatory legal documents, the classifier of areas for training personnel with higher and postgraduate education, State Educational Standards of Higher Education
  • Participation in the development and updating of the EP.
  • Examination of the EP and working curricula (syllabuses) taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Education.
  • Collection, verification and placement on the website of JSC "ATU" СED and EP;
  • Collection and formation of teaching materials (EP, СED, programs of professional practices, programs of complex examinations, themes of theses / graduation projects) Bachelor's program;
  • Planning, organizing and coordinating the activities of departments for the development of textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, teaching aids, including on electronic media and didactic materials.
  • Development and implementation of educational and methodological and scientific and methodological documentation on new learning technologies.
  • Analysis of the quality of conducting classes of teaching staff (checking classes, open classes, trial classes, demonstration classes);
  • Organization and holding of thematic scientific, scientific and methodological seminars, conferences, webinars, meetings to improve educational and methodological and scientific and methodological work.
  • Organization, coordination, analysis of the content and form of research, scientific and methodological work of students.
  • Approval of the schedule of meetings, round tables to discuss the list of elective disciplines, updating the content of the EP with employers and monitoring their implementation.
  • Organization and holding of meetings of EMC and SMC.
  • Participation in the organization of meetings of EMA-PMG JSC "ATU".
  • Organization, conduct and preparation of a report on the I stage of the RSO among students of the EP JSC "ATU" and the II stage of the RSO among the students of the EPHE, who train personnel in the groups of EP supervised by the EMA-PMG JSC "ATU".
  • Collection of reports from departments on the participation of students in national and international Olympiads;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the indicators of the EMW of the individual (indicative) plan of the teaching staff.
  • Monitoring the availability and quality of EMCD teaching staff in Study Space.
  • Supervise and coordinate EMW departments.
  • Organize work on the generalization and dissemination of best practices of the EMW.
  • Participate in the preparation and conduct of meetings and seminars on EMW issues.
  • Organizes open, demonstration classes on the scale of JSC ATU.
  • Supervises the conduct of open, demonstration and trial classes, control and mutual visits to the departments.
  • Preparation and submission of information at the request of the СHPE MSHE RK.
  • Maintaining documented information on all issues related to the methodological process, preparing reports on EMW.
  • Ensuring the timely execution of the RLA MSHE RK, the rector, decisions of the SC of JSC "ATU", orders and instructions of the vice-rector for academic issues related to the organization of scientific and methodological work.
  • Coordination and control of the work of the deans of faculties and departments on the organization, planning and implementation of the EP, including review and approval of the concepts of the EP, schedules of the educational process, programs of disciplines and courses, practice programs and state exams and other educational and methodological documented information.
  • Organization of meetings, educational and methodological conferences, seminars, consulting faculty staff, teaching and educational staff of faculties and departments on issues of EMW.
  • Development of instructions, regulations and other methodological documented information related to educational activities.
  • Coordination of work on the development of EP and CED.
  • Formation of proposals for improving the educational process and their submission for discussion by the SC and SMC of JSC "ATU".
  • Organization of work on the generalization and dissemination of best practices of the EMW.
  • Participation in the preparation and holding of meetings and seminars on EMW issues.
  • Coverage of issues of teaching methods, new forms and methods in teaching in periodicals.
  • Monitoring the introduction of new forms and methods of teaching by departments in the educational process, analysis of the effectiveness of their use.
  • Coordinate, provide advisory, methodological and practical assistance in the development of EP and CED by the graduating departments of JSC "ATU".,
  • Coordinate and supervise the creation and improvement of EMCD.
  • Interaction with EPD and SL in matters of providing educational publications, the formation of a library fund and the planning of intra-university publications.
  • Check the availability of academic disciplines with basic and additional literature.
  • Plan and control the publication of educational and methodological literature.
  • Prepare reports for your business.
  • Timely informing deans and heads of departments about the decisions of higher organizations on educational and methodological issues.
  • Carries out the development and coordination of joint EPs and projects with foreign partner universities.
  • Analyzes the performance of the department with the aim of continuous improvement.
  • Systematically controls the quality of the classes, taking into account active and interactive teaching methods.
  • Preparation of an annual report on the section "Functioning of the QMS" and "Management Analysis" on the processes coordinated by the EMM.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the SС, administration and SMС.
  • Participation in the formation of competitive applications for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for participation in the rating of NCE "Atameken" and other agencies.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the institutional accreditation of JSC "ATU" and specialized accreditation of bachelor's programs.
  • Organization and holding of competitions for teaching staff ("Best EMCD", etc.);
  • Coordination of the implementation of inclusive education.
  • Participation in the development of programs for double-diploma education in the EP of the bachelor's degree and coordination of their implementation.
  • Carry out the instructions of the head and deputy head of the EMM within the framework of the functions of the EMM.


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