Career Center

The purpose of the CC

Promotion of employment and employment of graduates of JSC «ATU»

  • Development and implementation of cooperation with business structures.
  • Assistance in employment of undergraduate graduates of JSC "ATU".
  • Organization of the work of the Board of Trustees.
  • Involvement of employers in the educational process.
  • Organization and holding of events aimed at the employment of students and graduates (vacancy fairs, presentations of employers, guest lectures, master classes, training seminars, excursions, etc.).
  • Establishing, maintaining and developing contacts with alumni to track their careers.
  • Preparation for passing professional selection in companies, organizing trainings on writing a resume and passing an interview when applying for a job.
  • Analysis of the labor market and analysis of information on market development trends and employers' requirements for specialists.
  • Cooperation with enterprises and organizations acting as employers for students and graduates;
  • Assistance to graduating departments in the organization of professional practices provided for by the curricula of the EP of the bachelor's degree;
  • Interaction with local authorities, including with the state employment service, public organizations and associations interested in improving the position of graduates in the labor market.
  • Organization of interaction with state bodies on the employment of graduates.
  • Collecting, summarizing, analyzing and providing students with information about the state and trends of the labor market, about the requirements for a job seeker, the formation of a bank of vacancies offered by employers in the relevant specialties.
  • Planning, organization and accounting of all types of professional practice for undergraduate students.
  • Registration of contracts for all types of professional practice.
  • Systematization and generalization of the experience of organizing professional practice and employment of students, development of recommendations for improving and increasing the efficiency of employment and practical training of students.
  • Determining the need for specialists in resolving issues of the possibility of their further employment.
  • Organization of work to provide jobs for graduates based on the analysis and forecast of the socio-economic situation, the state of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan and individual regions.
  • Development of a system for organizing the distribution and employment of graduates of JSC "ATU".
  • Coordination of the activities of the graduating departments of JSC "ATU" in matters of demand forecasting, preparation planning, promotional activities.
  • Organization of meetings of future graduates with employers together with graduating departments.
  • Assistance in attracting specialized companies as bases of professional practice for the purpose of further employment.
  • Establishing communication with employment centers, personnel services of enterprises to assist in the employment of graduates.
  • Formation of a bank of vacancies based on employers' applications for specific EPs required for a given industry or region.
  • Attracting potential employers to holding meetings, presentations about the work of their enterprise in order to inform graduates about the work of their enterprise, about the prospects and trends in the development of the industry.
  • Coordination of activities of graduating departments to establish communication with graduates.
  • Monitoring the satisfaction of employers with the quality of graduate training.
  • Monitoring the satisfaction of undergraduate students with the organization of undergraduate practice.
  • Creation of a database on graduates and potential employers and systematization of data in it.
  • Formation and expansion of the network of strategic partners of JSC "ATU" for the organization of professional practice and employment of students and graduates.
  • Formation and improvement of the procedure for the personal distribution of graduates.
  • Formation of a data bank on the employment of graduates of JSC "ATU".
  • Carrying out career days, alumni fairs, presentations of firms and organizations, other events to promote the employment of students of JSC ATU.
  • Informing students about the holding of such events by employment centers and other organizations.
  • Organization, at the request of partner-employers, internships for students in companies and firms in order to prepare them for further employment.
  • Constant monitoring of the needs of employers in specialists-graduates of JSC "ATU" and forecasting the need for personnel according to the profile of JSC "ATU".
  • Organization and holding of training seminars for students of all faculties of JSC "ATU" on career planning, job search technologies.
  • Organization and conduct of business trainings and master classes on the basics of entrepreneurship.
  • Organization and holding of conferences, meetings, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, etc.
  • Drawing up an administrative report according to the forms of the MSHE of the RK.
  • Preparation of an annual report on the section "Functioning of the QMS" and "Management Analysis" on the processes coordinated by the EMM.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the Academic Council, administration and SMC.
  • Participation in the formation of competitive applications for the placement of a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for participation in the rating of RLE "Atameken" and other agencies.
  • Participation in the preparation of materials for the institutional accreditation of JSC "ATU" and specialized accreditation of bachelor's programs.
  • Carry out the instructions of the head and deputy head of the EMM within the framework of the functions of the EMM.
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from 8:30 to 17:30