Educational loans guaranteed by Financial Center JSC

Applicants who did not win a state educational grant can pay for their studies by taking out an educational loan guaranteed by the state. An educational loan can be obtained for studying at Kazakhstani colleges and universities.

Basic conditions:

  • An educational loan is issued without collateral, guaranteed by Financial Center JSC;
  • The amount of the guarantee is from 50% to 100% of the principal amount and depends on the students’ performance;
  • Levels of education - undergraduate and postgraduate education;
  • Interest rate is 20% per annum;
  • Grace period - a deferment on the payment of the principal debt is provided. Repayment of the principal amount is made upon completion of the study period and 6 months after graduation;
  • The loan amount is equal to the cost of training;
  • Applying for a loan - a credit line is opened for a student, within the credit line the loan is issued in tranches, one tranche is equal to the cost of education for a semester or academic year.

Statistical data:

  • The number of guarantees already issued is 7287 guarantees;
  • The guarantee amount is 1.9 billion tenge;
  • The loan amount is 2.0 billion tenge.

An agreement was concluded with a second-tier bank, which issued loans guaranteed by the Company - NurBank JSC. You can obtain more detailed information about educational lending from JSC “Financial Center” using the following contact information: Call Center - 8 (800) 080-28-28 (Free call), 8 (7172) 695-127.

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