Faculty of Economics and Business

Sakhanova Gaukhar Bakhytovna

Head of the Department of Economics and Management, PhD, Associate Professor

Field and directions of research: economics of the agro-industrial complex

E-mail: g_sakhanova@mail.ru


Abutalipova Zhuldyz Abakovna

Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics and management

E-mail: zvezda_05.80@mail.ru


Aitkhodzhaeva Gulraikhan Ikramovna

Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: white sugar production, vegetable processing

E-mail: ikramovna1@gmail.com


Ashimova Zhanna Rakhimovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: analysis of the state and improvement of economic management, insurance, taxation and finance of the country, industry and enterprise

E-mail: zhanna_15@bk.ru, zhanna-ashimiva@mail.ru


Baygelova Aigul Nuralievna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: research in the field of the labor market, labor resources, innovation and digitalization of the economy, economic growth, etc.

E-mail: ban.1964@mail.ru


Baktgereeva Alma Taganovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics of the agro-industrial complex

E-mail: alma.taganovna@mail.ru


Bayakhmetov Tleukhan Bayakhmetovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: economics of the agro-industrial complex as a whole, social sciences, economics and business, business and management

E-mail: tleukhan.b@mail.ru


Dzholdasbaeva Gulnar Karimovna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: efficiency, competitiveness of flour milling industry enterprises

E-mail: gulnara_00@mail.ru


Epanchintseva Svetlana Eduardovna

Doctor PhD, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics, business and management

E-mail: kizza.08@mail.ru


Esakhmetova Lyailya Muratbekovna

Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics, economic sciences

E-mail: Elm.78@mail.ru


Ilyas Asel

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: quality management system, university risk management, oil industry, neuromarketing, university corporate culture, labor market, entrepreneurship, strategic management, environmental quality standards

E-mail: asselilyas26@gmail.com


Kalpakpayeva Zhanat Muratovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: strategy of the export potential of the grain market of the Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: ali512@mail.ru


Momynkulova Saule Madiyarbekovna

Master of Economic Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics, management, state and local government

E-mail: SulyaMadi@mail.ru


Sauranova Meruert Mamyraimovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: economics and management

E-mail: meruert.sauranova@mail.ru


Urkumbayeva Asiya Rakhimzhanovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Field and directions of research: economics and management

E-mail: u.assiya@mail.ru


Zheldibaev Asan Egemberdievich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor at ATU

E-mail: zheldibaev.asan@mail.ru


Ruzieva Elvira Abdulmitovna

Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Area and areas of research: financial markets, financial instruments, insurance, securities market, derivatives, investments, hedge funds, data analytics, ESG - transformation.

E-mail: earuzieva@gmail.com


Dauletbakov Bakytkan

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: economic and mathematical methods in economics; multi-criteria optimization of economic and investment processes; financial and economic analysis

E-mail: dauletbakovb@mail.ru


Yesidar Urzada Serimkyzy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: efficiency of development of grain production in the Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: urzada.esaidar@mail.ru


Kalieva Elena Vladimirovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Area and directions of research: investment and innovative development of industrial enterprises

E-mail: chermosh@yandex.ru


Masanova Laura Ertaevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: corporate finance, financial management, social responsibility of business

E-mail: Lmassanova@gmail.com


Nurpeisova Nazim Satybaldievna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: innovative features of financial reporting and management accounting in the food industry: modern aspects and recommendations

E-mail: naziko16n@mail.ru


Saparova Gulnara Telmanovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor at ATU

Area and directions of research: banking, deposit market

E-mail: gulnara_sto@mail.ru


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