Research Institutes


Iztaev Aelbek Iztaevich

Director of the Research Institute of Food Technologies, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences

The field and areas of research: post-harvest processing, storage and processing of grain. The technology of bread, pasta, confectionery and compound production. Electrotechnology, including IONOOZONE technology, ionomaterials and nanotechnology of food industries, technology of deep processing of plant raw materials

E-mail:, (Link)


Yakiyaeva Madina Asatullaevna

Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Food Technologies, Doctor PhD, Associated Professor

The field and areas of research: organic chemistry, high molecular weight compounds. Post-harvest processing, storage, and processing of grain, legumes, and oilseeds. Technology and storage of crop products. Electrotechnology, including IONOOZONE technology, ionomaterials and nanotechnology of food industries, technology of deep processing of plant raw materials

E-mail:, ( Link )




Nabieva Zhanar Serikbolovna

Director of the Research Institute of Food Safety, PhD

The field and areas of research: processing technology, food technology, biotechnology, quality and safety of food products


( Link )


Daribaeva Gulnur Tleukhanovna

Head of the Testing Laboratory «Food Safety», PhD

Research area and directions: technology of processing industries

E-mail: ( Link )



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