Faculty of Food Technology

Baygazieva Gulgaisha Ilyasovna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor at ATU

Area and directions of research: Technology of fermentation production, technology development

E-mail: bgulgaishailias@mail.ru 


Baiysbaeva Meruet Pernebaevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: technology of baking, pasta and confectionery production; food biotechnology

E-mail: meruert_80@mail.ru


Batyrbaeva Nurgul Bazilovna

Associate Professor, PhD

Area and directions of research:  development of technologies for grain, baking, pasta and confectionery production

E-mail: alua_0.02.03@mail.ru


Bayazitova Meruert Mysyrovna

Associate Professor, PhD

Area and directions of research: fermentation technology and winemaking

E-mail: bayazit2023@mail.ru


Zhienbaeva Saule Turganovna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: technology of storage and processing of grain and grain products, technology of cereal production, technology of mixed feed

E-mail: sauleturgan@mail.ru


Iskakova Galiya Kuandykovna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at ATU

Area and directions of research: technology of baking, pasta, confectionery production and development of functional food products

E-mail: iskakova-61@mail.ru


Kekibaeva Anara Kanbekovna

Doctor PhD, Associate Professor at ATU

Area and directions of research: technology of brewing and non-alcoholic production. Development of innovative technologies for functional beverages

E-mail: anara_06061983@mail.ru


Muldabekova Bayan Zhaksylykovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: technology of baking, pasta and confectionery production

E-mail: bayan_1004@mail.ru


Nurgozhina Zhuldyz Kanatovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: grain processing technology, bakery product technology

E-mail: juldyz_900@mail.ru


Ongarbaeva Nurlaim

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: development of technology for processing and processing crop products

E-mail: o.nurlaim@mail.ru


Pronina Yulia Gennadievna

Leading patent specialist of the “Department of Information Support and Patent Research”, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of JSC “ATU”, Associate Professor, PhD.

Area and directions of research: development of gentle technologies for the production of functional food products of increased nutritional and biological value, through the processing of fruits and berries, vegetable raw materials, melons, legumes and oilseeds, medicinal herbs

E-mail: nauka.patent@atu.kz


Shansharova Dinara Aitpaevna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: technology of baking, pasta and confectionery production; food biotechnology

E-mail: dinara.shansharova@mail.ru


Taeva Aigul Maratovna

Head of the Department of Food Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: processing of raw materials of animal origin and development of new technologies for meat products based on the use of raw meat resources, including from non-traditional raw materials, as well as the creation of new food products for functional and special purposes

E-mail: a.taeva@atu.edu.kz


Alimardanova Mariyam Kalabaevna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the Polish Academy of Hotel Business and Catering

Field and directions of research: food biotechnology

E-mail: alimardan.m.atu4@mail.ru


Baibolova Lyazzat Kemerbekovna

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: development of technology for functional meat products

E-mail: l.baybolova@atu.edu.kz


Dikhanbaeva Fatima Toktarovna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor of ATU

Field and directions of research: technology of milk and dairy products, biotechnology of milk and dairy products

E-mail: fatima6363@mail.ruf.dihanbaeva@atu.edu.kz


Rskeldiev Berdan Abdazimovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAEN RK

Field and directions of research: technology of meat and meat products, biotechnology, food safety

E-mail: berdan_r@mail.ru


Syzdykova Laila Sailauovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: production of various canned food products by processing plant and meat raw materials. Development of technology for the production of breakfast cereals, fruit and vegetable juices, as well as blended juices and drinks

E-mail: syzdykova.l@atu.edu.kz


Uzakov Yasin Malikovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences,  professor and academician of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. Honored inventor and innovator of the USSR (1986), veteran of the meat industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Area and directions of research: development of functional meat products using protein additives from local raw materials; improvement of combined meat products based on meat and vegetable raw materials

E-mail: uzakm@mail.ru


Abzhanova Sholpan Amankeldykyzy

Head of the Department of Food Biotechnology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Area and directions of research: research of meat, plant raw materials and the use of plant extracts in order to increase their biological value and biological effectiveness

E-mail: sholpan-ab@mail.ru


Bozhbanov Alikhan Zhaksybekovich

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Corresponding Member of the Moscow Academy of Children's and Youth Tourism and Local History named after A.A. Ostaptsa-Sveshnikova, Moscow, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Almaty.

Field and directions of research: biotechnology, biology, ecology

E-mail: bozhbanov2011@mail.ru


Katasheva Alma Chamaevna

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research:  animal biotechnology, biotechnology for obtaining animal products

E-mail: alma_81.kz81@mail.ru


Lesova Zhanikha Tureevna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Professor at ATU, Professor at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Field and directions of research: plant biotechnology, food biotechnology

E-mail: zhaniha_lesova@mail.ru


Mamataeva Aigul Tumaevna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Field and directions of research: plant biotechnology, human and animal physiology

E-mail: mamataevabt@bk.ru


Uazhanova Raushangul Ulangazievna

Head of the Department of Food Safety and Quality, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Food Safety, International expert of the European Academy (London).

Field and directions of research: food technology, food safety

E-mail: raushan_u67@mail.ru,  r.uazhanova@atu.edu.kz


Azimova Sanavar Tuglukovna

PhD, Associate Professor

Field and directions of research: food technology, food safety

E-mail: sanaazimova@mail.ru


Amanova Sholpan Saparovna

PhD, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: amanova_sh@mail.ru


Akhmetsadykov Nurlan Nuroldinovich

PhD of Veterinary Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: safety and quality of functional products, technology of biological products

E-mail: nurlan.akhmetsadykov@gmail.com


Akhmetsadykova Shynar Nurlanovna

PhD, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: shynar.akhmetsadykova@gmail.com


Baymakhanov Galymbek Akbergenovich

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Area and directions of research: development of technology for producing polymer composite materials and coatings

E-mail: garant712@mail.ru


Batyrbaeva Aizhan Malikovna

Master of Technical Sciences, assistant

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: aizhan1309@mail.ru


Belozertseva Olga Dmitrievna

Master's degree in Standardization and Certification, lecturer

Field and directions of research: food technology, food safety

E-mail: nik_belozerceva@mail.ru


Erzhigitov Erkin Sabralievich

Deputy Director of the accredited metrological laboratory of KazTechService LLP, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer.

Field and directions of research: power supply, heat pumps

E-mail: ergigitov.erken@mail.ru


Zharylkasynova Zhuldyz Adilkyzy

Master of Technical Sciences, assistant

Area and directions of research: scientific substantiation of the safety of biscuits for long-term storage, scientific work on the study of cutlets with the addition of a plant component

E-mail: Zh_zhuldiz@mail.ru


Zheldybaeva Ainur Amangeldinovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Area and directions of research: safety and quality of functional products, plant raw materials with sorption properties

E-mail: runia_@mail.ru


Ibraimova Saniya Erbolatovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: canek21@mail.ru


Iztelieva Raushan Akmuratovna

PhD, Associate Professor at ATU

Area and directions of research: non-traditional raw materials, food safety

E-mail: iztelieva80@mail.ru


Itbalakova Akbota Bekmukhamedkyzy

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: engineering sciences, food technology, food safety

E-mail: akbotasha_1990@mail.ru


Kurmanbaeva Indira Nurlanovna

Master of Technical Sciences, assistant

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: indira_kurmanbaeva@mail.ru


Mardar Marina Romikovna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations of Odessa National Technological University, Honorary Professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: formation of the quality of new food products for health purposes, determination of their consumer properties, conducting a comprehensive product assessment and development of measures for the effective distribution of fortified food products to the consumer market

E-mail: marinamardar2003@gmail.com


Nukenova Saule Anuarkhanovna

Master of Technical Sciences, assistant

Area and directions of research: food safety of dairy products

E-mail: nukenova.saule@mail.ru


Serikbaeva Ayana Nurgalievna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: ayana-sn@mail.ru


Tattibaeva Damira Baktiyarovna

PhD, senior lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: damira-bt-7@mail.ru


Tungyshbaeva Ulbala Oblbekovna

PhD, acting associate professor (associate professor), executive secretary of the Technical Committee No. 67 “Technology, quality and food safety” at ATU

Area and directions of research: international standards for the quality and safety management system of an enterprise, food safety, standardization, certification and metrology

E-mail: ulbala_84@mail.ru


Uikasova Zaira Sataevna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: food safety

E-mail: zaira_atu@mail.ru


Suleimenova Maria Shayakhmetovna

Head of the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Area and directions of research: chemical technology of organic substances (chemical kinetics and catalysis); environmental protection technology (chemical processing of industrial waste).

E-mail: s.mariyash@mail.ru, m.suleimenova@atu.kz


Abdykarimova Almira Primkulovna

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: electrochemical production technology, physical chemistry, environmental technology

E-mail: a.abdykarimova@mail.ru


Abilkasova Sandugash Orynbaevna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: chemical technology of inorganic substances, innovative technologies in higher education

E-mail: sandy_ao@mail.ru


Alimkulova Zhamila Dzhakypberkyzy

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: chemical technology

E-mail: Zhamilya111@mail.ru


Almagambetova Saule Tulegenovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Field and directions of research: chemistry, corrosion of metals in neutral aqueous environments

E-mail: s.almag@mail.ru


Alzhanova Laura Alashbaevna

Doctor PhD, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: ecology, environmental protection

E-mail: lauracreative8@gmail.com


Akhmetova Saule Ospandiyarovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent)

Area and directions of research: complex processing of low-quality phosphate raw materials from the Karatau and Chilisay deposits into important products of national economic importance (mineral acids and fertilizers, feed phosphates); analysis and improvement of the QMS of food industry enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan; food safety and ecology

E-mail: sunrise_kz@mail.ru


Bizhanova Gulfairus Zairbekovna

Master of Science, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: ecology, environmental protection

E-mail: gulfairus82@mail.ru


Bozhbanov Alikhan Zhaksybekovich

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Children and Youth Tourism and Local History named after A.A. Ostapts-Sveshnikov", Moscow, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Almaty

Field and directions of research: biotechnology, biology, ecology

E-mail: bozhbanov2011@mail.ru


Boloshaan Serik

Master of Science, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: general biochemistry

E-mail: seryk_bolyshan@mail.ru


Dzhakupova Inkar Borisovna

Master of Science, teacher-researcher, lecturer

Area and directions of research: geography, ecology, ecobiotechnology, methodology and technology of vocational education

E-mail: www.inkar_18@mail.ru


Jumanova Raigul Zhumakhanovna

Lecturer at ATU, researcher at the Center for Physical and Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Field and directions of research: electrochemistry, chemical current sources

E-mail: r.zh.shohaeva@mail.ru


Egeubaeva Salamat Sabitovna

Doctor PhD, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: electrochemistry, chemical current sources

E-mail: salamat.egeubaeva@mail.ru


Zhaksybaeva Gulzhan Satzhankyzy

Master of Science, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: ecology, environmental protection, soil science, agrochemistry

E-mail: zhaksybaeva.gulz@mail.ru


Kalimoldina Laila Mautenovna

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Field and directions of research: general biochemistry

E-mail: Kalimoldina.laila@mail.ru


Kozhaisakova Madina Amanovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: chemistry of macromolecular compounds, petrochemistry, organic chemistry

E-mail: madina.69@mail.ru


Kurmanaliev Musrepbek Kurmanalievich

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Field and directions of research: chemistry of macromolecular compounds; ecology; theory and methods of teaching chemistry

E-mail: mkk@mail.ru


Musina Zukhra Malikovna

Doctor PhD, senior lecturer

Field and directions of research: chemistry, chemical technology of inorganic substances

E-mail: muszuhra@mail.ru


Sultangazieva Gulbaram Sapina

Master of Soil Science - Agrochemistry, Lecturer

Field and directions of research: ecology

E-mail: gul-2012-61@mail.ru


Taussarova Bijamal Raimovna

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Area and directions of research: chemistry and chemical technology; nanochemistry and nanomaterials

E-mail: birtausarova@mail.rubrtaussarova@gmail.com


Shaikhova Zhanat Erezhinovna

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Area and directions of research: synthesis of copper nanoparticles and their application

E-mail: zh.shaikhova@mail.ru


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