Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Alshynova Aiman

Doctor PhD, docent (associate professor), academician of the International academy of informatization (IAI)

Area and directions of research: mechanical engineering, metal forming

E-mail: aiman16@mail.ru




Dzhingilbayev Seit

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Academician of the International informatization academy

Area and directions of research: food production processes and apparatuses, mechanization of agricultural processes

E-mail: d.seit@mail.ru


Kairbayeva Ainura

Doctor PhD, associate professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: development of equipment for mechanization of processing of garden crops

E-mail: erkenovna111@mail.ru


Kuzembayev Kanash

Candidate of technical sciences, docent (associate professor)

Area and directions of research: processes and devices of food production, technology of food production

E-mail: kuzembaevk@mail.ru


Medvedkov Evgeny

Dean of the faculty of Distance learning, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Area and directions of research: development of technologies and devices for processing raw materials of food production to produce food products, including products made from flour and melons, research in the use of innovative educational technologies

E-mail: e.medvedkov@atu.edu.kz


Sokolov Dmitriy

Associate professor of the department of "Machines and devices of manufacturing processes" of ATU;

associate professor of the department of "Thermal physics and technical physics", faculty of Physics and technology, Al-Farabi KazNU

Area and directions of research: condensed matter physics, spectroscopy, cryogenics, refrigeration equipment, electrical safety, solid waste processing, ecology

E-mail: yasnyisokol@gmail.com


Tsoi Alexander 

Associate professor, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, professor of ATU, academician of the International academy of refrigeration (IAR); chairman of the IAR Representative office in the RK; president of the Association of refrigeration industry and air conditioning of the RK.

Area and directions of research: refrigeration equipment and technological equipment

E-mail: tsoyteniz@bk.ru


Malikova Feruza

Head of the department of "Information technology", associate professor, doctor PhD 

Area and directions of research: pattern recognition using neural networks, the development of software and hardware for pattern recognition and other research

E-mail: feruza-malikova@mail.ru


Imanbayev Kairat

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: neural networks, artificial intelligence

E-mail: k_imanbayev @mail.ru


Kozhamkulova Zhazira

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of ATU, academician of the International academy of sciences of pedagogical education (IASPE).

Area and directions of research: mechanics of deformable solids, information systems

E-mail: zhazira0423@gmail.com


Kozbakova Ainur

Doctor PhD, associate professor, academician of the International academy of informatization

Area and directions of research: information systems, computer technology and management

E-mail: ainur79@mail.ru



Ualiyev Zhomart

Associate professor, doctor PhD

Area and directions of research: mathematical modeling, computing technologies

E-mail: zh-u@mail.ru


Shaikulova Aktoty

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Area and directions of research: protection and security of information

E-mail: Shaikulova_Ak_Al@mail.ru





Dzamanbayev Muratkali

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent (associate professor)

Area and directions of research: power industry

E-mail: dzhamanbaev@mail.ru


Rahmatulina Ayaulym

Doctor PhD, associate professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: mechanical engineering, robotics, lever mechanism, theory of mechanisms and machines

E-mail: kazrah@mail.ru


Tukenova Kapiza

Head of the Department of "Social and humanitarian disciplines", candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Area and directions of research: pedagogy, theory and methodology of vocational education

E-mail: hafiza_1965@mail.ru


Davletova Gulmira

Candidate of historical sciences, docent (associate professor), professor of the Russian Academy of natural sciences

Area and directions of research: history of the 20s XX century, socio-economic, political processes of the 20s 20th century

E-mail: da_gulmira@mail.ru



Dzhunusbayeva Aigul

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, candidate of historical sciences, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: history of pedagogy, theory of aesthetic education, history of religious organizations of the RK

E-mail: aigul68os@mail.ru


Dosekeyeva Gulmira

Candidate of historical sciences, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: history of pedagogy, theory of aesthetic education, history of religious organizations of the RK

E-mail: Dosekeeva.gulmira@mail.ru


Zakiryanov Askhat

Candidate of philosophical sciences, docent (associate professor).

Area and directions of research: history of the 20s XX century, socio-economic, political processes of the 20s 20th century

E-mail: zakiryanov56@list.ru


Ismailova Rosa

Senior-lecturer, candidate of pedagogical sciences, corresponding member of the International academy of sciences of pedagogical education (IASPE), Moscow

Area and directions of research: formation of professional orientation of students through independent work

E-mail: 68roza.i@mail.ru


Kamyrova Gulzhan

Candidate of political sciences, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: government bodies, local self-government

E-mail: kamyrovazhana@mail.ru


Malikov Bakhytzhan

Doctor PhD, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: Institute of volost governors in the Kazakh steppe: formation, activity, structure (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries)

E-mail: malikov_bakytjan@mail.ru



Makhmutov Beken

Doctor PhD, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: management, political management

E-mail: bekenti_84@mail.ru


Yusupova Indira

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: the relationship of school, family and the public in the education of students

E-mail: yusupova.indira67@mail.ru


Karybayeva Gulnaz

Head of the department of "Higher mathematics and physics", candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior-lecturer

Area and directions of research: solution of nonlinear and inhomogeneous differential equations, heat equation, solid mechanics

E-mail: gulnaska83@mail.ru


Musabekov Ondasyn

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Area and directions of research: theory and methodology of vocational education, theory and methodology of physical education in technical universities

E-mail: ondasyn_musabekov@mail.ru


Tulenbayev Kanat

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of ATU

Area and directions of research: differential equations

E-mail: tkanats@mail.ru



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