Educational and scientific center of milk processing

«The educational and scientific center of milk processing» is designed to create fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheeses and ice cream. It has 3 technological lines equipped with the following types of equipment: tanks for milk and fermented milk products, separator, Bertoli homogenizer, heater, filling machine, automatic capping gun, centrifugal pump, automated complex for cheese and cottage cheese, installation for mozzarella cheese, press for cheese, mini cheese dairy, mixer, freezer, washing tub, tables and shelves.

The research project "Development and implementation of innovative technologies for deep processing of milk of agricultural animals" was carried out (head - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of chemical sciences, professor Kulazhanov K.S., President of «ATU» JSC) (customer of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK) in 2012-2014 years at the Department of «Technology of food products» of the ATU with a financing volume of 60 million tenge, three stages of which received high indicators from experts, interim and final reports were successfully approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Based on the results of the research work, 6 pre-standards of the RK were developed, approved and included in the register of the KTRM MID of the RK. The second research project "Development of innovative technology of semi-hard cheeses using new bacterial compositions and fillers" was carried out (head - academician of the Academy of agricultural sciences of the RK, d.t.s., prof. Alimardanova M.K.) (customer of the Ministry of education and science of the RK) in 2013-2015 years with a funding of 20 million tenge, three stages of which received high indicators from experts, interim and final reports were successfully approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. The normative document «Technological regulations for the production of semi-hard cheese «Almaty» was developed based on the results of research and development. Scientific work was completed with a high economic effect and practical implementation at food industry enterprises. Within the framework of these research projects, technological equipment for the production of dairy products was purchased, a project of the center was drawn up, installation and commissioning of technological equipment, the launch and trial production of dairy products were carried out, which was carried out by prof.  Alimardanova M.K. of the Department of «Technology of food products».

The grand opening of the «Educational and scientific center of milk processing» took place within the framework of the ISPC and the III Forum, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 30, 2015 at the «ATU» JSC. The opening ceremony was attended by guests from leading universities and research centers of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.

Opening of the «Educational and scientific center of milk processing» (gen.director of «Smak LLP» Talasov E.T., project manager prof. Alimardanova M.K., head of the Department of Voronezh state university of engineering technologies, d.t.s., prof. Shakhov V.V



Technological line for the production of dairy products

To carry out analyzes to determine the quality of raw milk entering the center, a laboratory is provided in which laboratory installations are installed to determine titratable acidity, temperature, purity, thermal stability, a pH meter for analyzing the active acidity of raw materials, a Jenway device for biochemical analyzes, a thermostat , exhaust unit, scales, etc.

To carry out analyzes to determine the quality of raw milk entering the center, a laboratory is provided in which laboratory installations are installed to determine titratable acidity, temperature, purity, thermal stability, a pH meter for analyzing the active acidity of raw materials, a Jenway device for biochemical analyzes, a thermostat , exhaust unit, scales, etc.

The scientists are working out the modes and methods for the production of new types of lactic acid products: yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheeses, ice cream of various assortments and recipes, including national dairy products, as well as laboratory and research work on the technology of milk and dairy products for students, master and PhD students at the «Educational and scientific center of milk processing».





Research work of students, master and PhD students



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