Educational and scientific center of meat processing

Educational and scientific center of meat processing

«The educational and scientific center of meat processing» was inaugurated at the Almaty Technological University on October 18, 2013 with the participation of foreign scientists and researchers from partner universities of «ATU» JSC.

The opening ceremony was attended by guests from leading universities and research centers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, the administration and teaching staff of «ATU» JSC, as well as teachers of the Department of «Technology food products», students, representatives of leading enterprises of the food industry in Kazakhstan. The honored guests highly appreciated the importance of the Educational and Scientific Center of Meat Processing as one of the most important conditions for obtaining high-quality education, studying innovative technologies, and developing functional products for the population.

The established «Educational and scientific center of meat processing» opens up great prospects for: introducing scientific developments of university scientists into production, conducting seminars and master classes. The center conducts laboratory and research works on the technology of meat production for students, master and PhD students.






Research work of students, undergraduates and doctoral students

The functioning of the «Educational and scientific center of meat processing» allows for the training of highly qualified specialists and the conduct of scientific research based on the integration of education, science, production and the best international experience for personnel and scientific and innovative support of the food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The center is equipped with the latest advances in sausage and meat production. A full cycle of meat processing has been organized: the processes of cutting, deboning, trimming, salting of raw materials, mincing, shaping, heat treatment and storage of finished sausages and meat products.

The center is equipped with the following equipment: heat chamber (UK-3 / 1M100), refrigerating chamber KHN-9, tabletop meat grinder LaMinerva AE-22, hydraulic syringe LaMinerva CE INS/32, tabletop meat mixer haMinerva C/E MM-30, cutter Talsa K15, injector manual, vacuum desktop massager Suhner VT-20, vacuum sealer, table clipper "Korund-clip" 1-25R, production tables, 2-section washing bath for washing raw materials, etc.


Technological line for the production of meat products

Achievements of the Department of «Technology food products»

The scientific developments of young scientists created in the center constantly participate in various competitions, exhibitions not only at the republican, but also at the international level. The products of master and PhD students are annually awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals, as well as certificates of honor at the Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn" (Russia, Moscow), at the International Exhibition "Dairy and Meat Industry", domestic exhibitions "Karaotkel", "Altyn Dastarkhan", "Kazakhstan Food Market", etc




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