Educational and scientific bread center
The activity of "Educational and scientific bread center" is one of the largest achievements and opens up wide opportunities for the introduction of scientific developments of university into production, holding seminars and master classes with representatives of leading companies in Kazakhstan. Over the past five years, the food industry enterprises of the republic have been offered about ten innovative projects to improve the technological properties of leguminous crops, the quality of bread, five of which have been introduced into production. Among them are the improved aspiration system in "Altyn Diirmen" JSC, the ion-zone technology for processing grain and dough in "KazBestGray" LLP, the technology for developing new types of wheat bread in "KHBK Aksay" LLP.
On October 12, 2012, the grand opening of "Educational and scientific bread center" took place within the framework of the International scientific and practical conference "Innovative development of the food, light industry and hospitality industry". The opening ceremony was attended by guests from 12 countries of leading universities and research centers of Kazakhstan, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
In the "Educational and scientific bread center" there are installed: a rotary oven, a proofing chamber, a spiral dough mixer, a dough divider, a divider-rounder made in Italy.
In the educational and scientific center, laboratory classes are held on the discipline "Technology of bakery production", "Technology of products of increased nutritional value". In addition, master’s students and doctoral students conduct research on dissertations.
"Educational and scientific bread center"
"Conducting laboratory classes in the discipline "Technology of products of increased nutritional value"