Educational programs

Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) studies are carried out on the basis of government licenses.


Bachelor's degree

EP Prophile

Higher Engineering Education

Name of the group of educational programs

Food Production

Code and name of the educational program

6В07201 – «Food Products Technology»

Educational Pathways:

1) 1) Technology of meat and meat products

2) 2) Technology of milk and dairy products

3) Technology of canned foods


Production Supervisor

Process Engineer

Chief Process Engineer

Sphere of activity      

Food Industry sectors (meat processing, dairy, canning, etc.), specialized higher education organizations, technical and vacational education organizations, design organizations.

6В07209 -Technology of catering and specialized food products

Educational Pathways:

1)Technology of public and specialized catering products

2) Technology and organization of public catering



Process Engineer

Chief Technologist

Sphere of activity      

Public Catering Industry sectors (restaurants, cafes, catering chains, etc.), specialized higher education organizations, technical and vacational education organizations, design organizations.




Master's degree

EP Prophile

Scientific and pedagogical direction

Code and name of the educational program

7M07201 – «Food technology»

Educational Pathways:

1) 1) Food Technology

2) 2) Food Technology and Pedagogy



Managerial positions in Food Industry Enterprises

University lecturer

Research scientist at a Research Institute

Code and name of the educational program

7М07209 - Innovative technologies of catering products

Educational Pathways:

1) Technology of functional and specialized foods

2) Innovative technologies in public catering


Managerial positions in Public Catering Industry enterprises

University lecturer

Research scientist at a Research Institute



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

EP Prophile

Scientific and pedagogical direction

Name of the group of educational programs

Food Production

Code and name of the educational program

8D07201 – «Technology of Food Products»

Educational Pathways:

1)      1) Technology of meat and meat products

2)      2) Technology of milk and dairy products

3)      2) Technology of canned food and food

4)      concentrates



Associate Professor


Leading Researcher

Chief Researcher

Managerial positions in Food Industry enterprises

Managerial positions in

Code and name of the educational program

8D07209  - Innovative technologies of catering products

Educational Pathways:

1) Technology of products of public and specialised catering

2) Technology and organisation of public catering


Associate Professor


Leading Researcher

Chief Researcher

Managerial positions in Public Catering Industry enterprises

Managerial positions in Universities

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