International cooperation

The main directions of international cooperation of the Department are:

  • Inviting foreign scientists to give lectures to students, undergraduates and doctoral students, including the program of the MES RK «Visiting Professor».
  • External academic mobility of students and scientific training of undergraduates and doctoral students.
  • Participation of the teaching staff of the Department in lectures at partner universities
  • Participation of the faculty of the Department in international conferences, exhibitions, etc.
  • Joint publications and research of the teaching staff of the Department with foreign colleagues.
  • Development of integrated educational programs, joint educational programs, and double degree programs.

Academic mobility is implemented through the following mechanisms:

  • departure of students for theoretical and practical training abroad in educational programs as part of a semester exchange;
  • organization of a summer semester with the invitation of teachers and students from other universities to ensure mobility;
  • organization of internships for teaching staff in other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad in order to expand academic exchange;
  • participation in the program of the German society for international cooperation (GIZ) «Professional education in Central Asia» in Kazakhstan in the direction of «Training of highly qualified personnel in food technologies».

The Department provides training in double degree programs: 

  •  University of Food Technologies (Bulgaria, Plovdiv);
  •  University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain, Santiago de Compostela);
  •  Corvinus University (Hungary, Budapest);
  •  Mendel University (Czech Republic, Brno);
  •  Prague University of Chemical Technology (Czech Republic, Prague);
  •  Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences (Poland);
  •  Russian Economic University named after. V.G. Plekhanov, (RF, Moscow);
  •  Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after. V. M. Gorbatova (RF, Moscow);
  •  All-Russian Research Institute of the Dairy Industry (RF, Moscow);
  •  Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (MGUPB) (RF, Moscow);
  •  Kemerovo State University (RF, Kemerovo);
  •  Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making, (RF, Barnaul);
  •  Kyrgyz Technical University named after. I. Razzakova (Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek);
  •  Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan, Dushanbe);
  •  Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan, Bukhara);
  •  University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur).


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