Professional practice

Professional practice of students is the most important part of the training of highly qualified specialists, and is carried out in organizations with subsequent employment.

The faculty's partner enterprises in the professional training of personnel for the food and processing industry are: Shin-Line LLC, StellaAlpina LLC, Adal LLC, Smak LLC, Craft cheese LLC, Becker and K LLC, Pervomayskie delikatesy LLC, Bizhan LLC, the Dastarkhan LLC restaurant chain, Assorti LLC, Aksay-nan LLC, Almaty Nan LLC, Talgar-Spirt LLC, Carlsberg Kazakhstan LLC, Issyk Winery JSC, Efes Brewing Company JSC, Kazekologiya Republican Scientific and Production and Information Center LLC, Standardization and Certification Centers, etc.

Representatives of manufacturing enterprises participate in the final certification of graduates, give lectures, and supervise diploma theses.

The following operate on the faculty's educational and scientific base: educational and scientific bread center; a training and scientific center for meat processing; a training restaurant, a training center for fermentation products, for processing milk and dairy products, a laboratory for canning technology and a laboratory for the technology of producing livestock products, etc., where practical skills in the production of certain products are imparted.


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