Graduates of the department

All educational programs of the Department “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” are included in the Republican register of educational programs of Kazakhstan universities, have a state license and are accredited by the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance in education.

In the rating of educational programs among Kazakhstan universities, the educational programs "Chemical technology of organic substances" and "Ecology" and “Environmental protection technology” consistently occupy leading places.

Graduates of the department «Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology»:

  • comprehensively developed individuals in intellectual, cultural and moral relations, possessing natural-scientific, socio-humanitarian and general professional knowledge necessary for a future profession;
  • able to navigate and analyze current trends in the development of applied ecology, environmental management and environmental protection;
  • able to navigate and analyze current trends in the development of the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries;
  • have practical skills in solving engineering and technological problems and conducting research in the field of chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical production;
  • participate in organizational and managerial, production and technological, environmental protection and entrepreneurial activities at enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries;
  • use modern information and digital resources in the development of technologies for the production of medicines and products of basic and fine organic synthesis;
  • demonstrate the ability to lead, autonomy, analyze, evaluate and implement innovative ideas in professional and scientific activities.


Thus, all educational programs of the Department “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” are aimed at developing competencies and practical skills necessary for successful work in the chosen field of activity, having universal and subject-specialized knowledge and personal qualities that contribute to social mobility and stability in the labor market.

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