Scientific activity

The scientific and pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff of the department "Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology" in basic education correspond to the profile of educational programs in the field of training chemists, technologists and environmentalists. Under the guidance of leading professors of the Department, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and initiative research projects are carried out.  

  • Development of technology for the production of cellulose materials with multifunctional properties (Scientific supervisor Professor Tausarova B.).
  • Innovations in the field of environmental protection and environmental management (Scientific supervisor Professor Suleimenova M.).
  • Development and research of biological preparations that ensure environmental safety and soil fertility (Scientific supervisor Professor Suleimenova M.).
  • Development and research of building insulation based on vegetable raw materials and industrial waste (Scientific supervisor Professor Suleimenova M.).
  • Development of technology for the production of textile and packaging materials with multifunctional properties based on reproducible raw materials (Scientific supervisor Professor Tausarova B.).
  • Development of sorbents based on natural raw materials for wastewater treatment from man-made pollution (Scientific supervisor Professor Kozybaev A.).
  • Development and research of physico-chemical processes occurring in alternative current sources based on pyrotechnic materials (Scientific supervisor Candidate of Chemical Sciences Bugubaeva G.).

     The Department has a scientific school of young scientists from among candidates of science, PhD, doctoral students and undergraduates, and a student scientific circle. More than 60% of theses contain elements of research. Research results are actively used in the educational process of bachelors when performing practical and laboratory work, which corresponds to the quality assurance policy of the OP.

      The research activity of the Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” is quite high, the number of publications is more than 130 annually, i.e. more than 3 per teacher. 50% of the Department's teaching staff have an h-index, more than 80% have publications in highly rated journals. The results of scientific research are implemented in the educational process by developing elective subjects.

Teaching staff and students of the Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” annually take an active part in international scientific and practical conferences held both in Kazakhstan and foreign universities in the USA, Germany, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, etc. The total number of publications in the Department annually is about 130 papers in journals recommended Committee for control in the field of education and science of the MSHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan and included in the database of the international peer-reviewed scientific journals with nonzero impact factor in Web of Science or incoming 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartile of the database Scopus. 

Under the guidance of teachers, students actively participate in the research work of the Department (student conferences, Olympiads, Start-up projects, competitions, etc.). More than 30% of scientific publications of the faculty are made jointly with students, undergraduates and doctoral students. For active participation in conferences of the RSPC “Science. Education.Youth” (ATU), ISPC "Green bridge across generations" (KazNU named after Al-Farabi), ISPC "Farabi Alemi" (KazNU named after Al-Farabi). al-Farabi), ISPC "Innovative Development of Food, Light industry and Hospitality Industry" (ATU), RSPC of the Small Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan students are awarded certificates and diplomas every year.

Students of the bachelor's degree programs "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" and "Ecology" were awarded diplomas of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the results of the Republican Subject Olympiad and the Republican Competition of Scientific Works among Kazakhstani universities.

Talented student’s educational programs in "Chemical technology of Organic substances" and "Ecology" participate in the annual competition and receive grants from the Kazakhstan Association of oil-gas and energy complex KAZENERGY, regional administrations and the Ministry.


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