Dean of the Faculty
Zhaksylykova Gulshat Nurmukhanbetovna
Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Dear applicants!
One of the important decisions that a person makes in life is the choice of profession. Your future depends on the right educational program. The main thing is that the profession you choose is to your liking and is in demand.
Today, almost all manufacturers of the food and processing industry are interested in qualified technologists who can not only carry out quality control from the receipt of raw materials to the packaging of finished products, but can develop and successfully implement effective technologies in various industries and at different stages of product creation.
Graduates of the faculty are ready for professional work in food and processing enterprises, focused on grain processing enterprises, bakery, pasta, confectionery, dairy, meat, fishing industries, work in alcohol, distilleries, wineries, breweries, enterprises producing soft drinks and wholesale sales of products, design and engineering organizations, research and testing centers and laboratories, certification and identification services for raw materials and finished products, trade and tax inspectorates and other regulatory authorities for the production and circulation of food products, as well as at petrochemical enterprises.
Energetic professional technologists who have good engineering training, speak a foreign language, and have a modern worldview are always in demand. By studying at ATU, you will have decent training in both the industrial and scientific fields.
Our doors are always open for you!
The Faculty of Food Technologies (FPT) is an educational, scientific and administrative-structural unit of the Almaty Technological University, which provides training in several educational programs (OP), as well as management of research activities of departments and laboratories belonging to the Faculty's OP.
The faculty's teaching staff are true professionals in their field, the country's leading scientists in the field of food and processing technology, chemical technology, and food safety.
The holders of the State grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The best University teacher» are faculty teachers Iztaev A.I., Alimardanova M.K., Tausarova B.R., Kurmanaliev M.K., Lesova Zh.T., Iskakova G.K., Uazhanova R.O., Zhienbayeva S.T., Dikhanbayeva F.T., Suleimenova M.Sh., Kozybaev A.K., Ongarbayeva N.O., Muldabekova B.Zh., Abzhanova Sh.A., Taeva A.M., Baibolova L.K., Baigazieva G.I., Shansharova D.A., Uzakov Ya.M. Nabieva Zh.S., Kenenbai Sh.S., Matibaeva A.Y., Shayakhmetova Y.Sh., Akhmetova S.O., Bayysbaeva M.P., Batyrbaeva N.B., Jetpisbayeva B.Sh., Bozhbanov A.Zh.
Address: ul.Rayymbek 348/4, building 2-A, office 302, 308
Phone: 396-71-33, ext. (111,112)
Email address:
Instagram page: fpt.team_atu
Main Page Educational programs Practice and employment Scientific activity Material and technical base International cooperation
Main Page Educational programs Scientific activity Practice and employment Material and technical base International cooperation
Main Page Educational programs Practice and employment Material and technical base Achievements Scientific activity International cooperation Topics of master's theses Topics of theses Topics of doctoral dissertations Teaching staff Graduates of the department
Main Page Practice and employment Achievements International cooperation Scientific activity Educational program Material and technical base Research internship
A successful career
begins at ATU
Students undergo internships followed by employment at leading enterprises in Kazakhstan
ATU occupies a leading position in Central Asia and is included in the list of the best technical universities in Kazakhstan
The faculty has established links with foreign universities and research centers
Information about those who, after graduating from our faculty, work in their chosen profession
From the first days of studying at the university, students plunge into the fascinating and interesting world of social life
In the modern world, a «Technologist» in a broad sense is a specialist responsible for the stages of production and the sequence of production of products. The very concept of technology came to us from the ancient Greek language. In ancient times, the technological process of making tools and improvised tools was used. Now food technologies in Kazakhstan are almost completely automated, put on stream in production. However, there remains a need for qualified technologists who monitor the high-quality and competent execution of technological processes. Which university should I choose to master the profession of technologist? The article below provides an overview on this topic.
A modern technologist must acquire knowledge of product quality control from the moment of receipt of raw materials to the finished product, as well as be able to develop and implement innovative technological processes in production.
The faculty has departments in the following areas:
The departments are taught by full-time teachers with degrees of doctors of sciences, PhD, masters, candidates of Sciences, holders of grants and state scholarships of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The teaching staff is trained on a permanent basis in higher educational institutions and research institutes in Russia, Austria, Germany, Spain, China and other countries. Students have the opportunity to complete language practice in the UK, USA, Belgium, Malaysia and Italy.
Personnel (personnel/specialists) for the ATU food industry are trained using theories and building educational processes that meet the requirements of modern technologies. Specialized laboratories and research and practice centers have been created at ATU to develop professional practical skills. A wide range of devices and special equipment allows bachelors and undergraduates to conduct research and develop innovative technologies in the field of food industry.
The Faculty of Food Technology offers dual degree programs in cooperation with the Russian University of Technology, the Bulgarian University of Food Technology and the Kyrgyz Technical University. More detailed information on the selection criteria, admission and training conditions, and tuition fees can be found on the official website of the University.