Material and technical base


Department of "Information Systemsы" It is located in building 2-B in office 304 .

The department has 13 classrooms, лабороторные занятии  5 including 5 laboratoryrooms, 2computerrooms, 5 classrooms for lectures and practical classes, and 1 student center , including: 

•    Laboratory room" Apple Lab-312-2B"
•    Laboratory cabinet of Huawei ICT Academy-Laboratory Cabinet 316-2b
•    lab cubicsmarttech labSmartTech-303-2b
•    Laboratory room" Cisco Networking Academy " - 310-2B
•    laboratory cabinet VR / AR Lab-318-2b
•    Student Center" Jastar Innovation– - 314-2B"

1. Laboratory room “Apple Lab”

Within the framework of the agreement signed between ATU and iTeacher Academy, on March 17, 2021, the Apple lab training and laboratory class was opened at the Department of Information Technologies.
The event was attended by vice-rectors, representatives of partner companies, deans and teachers of the university. The purpose of opening a training center is to get Apple Authorized Training Center authorization and open a course on SWIFT programming for students on the conditions of passing certified courses.
The class is equipped with the latest iMac models with an M1 processor, purchased a MacBook, iPad, and a modern Samsung Flip 2 projection display, which allows students to develop applications on the macOS platform.

2. Laboratory room “Cisco Networking Academy”

Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation dated February 1, 2021, signed between ATU and Cisco, a training laboratory with a hardware and software solution for training Cisco Networking Academy was opened on the basis of the University.
The multi-level system of training programs of Cisco Networking Academy provides students with the opportunity to obtain various qualification levels: from an ordinary operator of Cisco equipment to an engineer and Cisco expert with international professional certificates.

3. Laboratory room "Huawei ICT Academy"

Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation signed between ATU and Huawei, on October 29, 2021, the Huawei ICT Academy was opened at the Department of Information Technologies.
Huawei ICT Academy is a non-profit educational program for students that fully meets the requirements of the ICT industry. This program includes a teacher training plan, an online platform for teaching students, and various teaching methods.
It is noteworthy that the certificate obtained after completing training at the Huawei ICT Academy is international. That is, all over the world, where Huawei equipment is used, a certified student can apply for employment.

4. Laboratory room “SmartTech”

On September 9, 2023, the Smart Tech training and laboratory class was opened.
The purpose of opening a training laboratory class is to work with a microcontroller, any smart home with very high capabilities, machines or all devices that make life easier for a person can be created using a small microcontroller and programming. The discipline "Programming of Arduino microcontroller boards" and "Fundamentals of programming of robotics devices" are important disciplines created for students of the specialty "Information Systems", which is of great importance for the development of students ' technical abilities.

5. Laboratory room “VR/AR LAB”

On September 9, 2023, the opening of the "VR/AR Lab" educational and laboratory class of the opening took place-a laboratory class dedicated to VR/AR technologies. One of the most developing industries today. We also want students to work in this field and create their own projects. "VR" means that this is a full-fledged virtual environment (a separate world inside VR glasses). And "AR" is the addition of something virtual to real life (for example, TikTok, Instagram mask). These technologies are used in all areas of our lives. Also in educational institutions, medicine, and the military sphere

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